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Marketing Day: July 1, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Google Glass Adds Voice Commands, Basic Web Browser The latest software update for Google Glass is rolling out to owners this week, and brings a few very welcome features that expand the device’s capabilities. Basic Web Browsing First up is what sounds like a very basic web browsing experience that’s available after doing a search. As I pointed out in my How Search […]

  2. Muck Rack Adds Search For Journalists By Google PageRank Feature You’re trying to find a journalist to pitch. Muck Rack has been a standout service in that regard. Now it’s added a feature that it hopes will make finding the right journalist who has broad reach even easier, a way to sort using Google’s PageRank score of web site quality. What Is PageRank? PageRank, in […]

  3. Bing Search Popularity Now Impacting Klout Scores If your Klout scores matters to you, it might be time to start asking people to “Bing me” rather than “Google me.” That’s because Klout is now using Bing search popularity as part of its online influence measurement. The number of times that a person is searched for on Bing is now contributing to Klout […]

  4. Infographic: As Google Readers Dies, The Other Products It Joins In The “Google Graveyard” Google Reader dies today. It’s just one of many Google products that, over the years, Google decided to abandon. It joins Google Health, Knol, Picnik, Sidewiki, Notebook and others. The folks at WordStream have created in infographic listing various prominent Google products now in the “Google Graveyard,” which you’ll find below: Want the infographic for […]

  5. See What Sites Are Referencing Tweets With “Embedded On” Twitter Test Feature Providing metrics to users is something that Twitter has really pushed this last year. From individual analytics to downloadable archives more data than ever is being provided. A new test shows that even more data may be coming. Mikko Hypponen recently discovered a new Twitter experiment that displays “embedded on these websites” underneath a Tweet: This is […]

  6. Google AdSense Asynchronous Ad Code Launches In Beta At long last, “fully” asynchronous ad code is available in Google AdSense. The new asynchronous code is designed to improve web latency and allow page content to load without getting held up by ad serving. “This means that users will be able to load the content of your pages, even if they’re having trouble loading […]

  7. Why Content, Social Media & Great Websites Are Now Considered “The Basics” Internet users have gotten spoiled. We expect the brands we interact with to be on top of their blog, website, and social media feeds — so when one isn’t, it really stands out. People who spend the majority of their working day connected to the Internet want to be able to find the information they’re […]

  8. For RTB Success, Focus on Value — Not Cost Scanning the agendas at this year’s search trade shows as well as popular articles on the industry’s leading search websites, it is apparent that display advertising via real-time bidding (RTB) is rapidly gaining attention in the search advertising community. According to IDC, the RTB market was $3B in 2012 and is projected to reach $14B […]

  9. Only 30 Percent Of Smartphone Traffic On 4G Networks In North America 70 percent of smartphone-based web traffic is operating on slower-than-4G wireless networks. Conversely only 30 percent of smartphone web traffic is coming from 4G networks, according to Chitika. This modest penetration figure makes sense because 4G networks are still rolling out and not all handsets are 4G compatible. For example only the iPhone […]

  10. Mobile Market Share: Android, iPhone Gain While Others Flail On Friday comScore released its US smartphone market share report for May. The firm projects that 59 percent of US mobile phone subscribers own smartphones. By comparison Pew and Nielsen both agree that the number is 61 percent. According to comScore Apple continued to be the top individual smartphone maker in the US, followed by […]

  11. Topsy: Instagram Shares Easily Beat Vine On Twitter, Unless You’re Talking About “Influencers” Instagram has regained supremacy over Vine on Twitter, thanks to its new video feature? That seemed to be the story, based on stats from Topsy. But now, Topsy has clarified there’s a different story, one where Instagram shares on Twitter have never dipped below Vine, at least when you’re looking at all activity rather than […]

  12. This Week On Vine: NBA, NHL, MLB, #StandWithWendy, “Scrubs” Duet & More This week Vine saw a lot of dunking, batting, scrumming and serving – as sports Vines collectively dominated the leaderboards. But Hollywood had its own moments, as did Texas state senator Wendy Davis and her filibuster. Sports! We love this vine from NHL as the Chicago Blackhawks went 1-0 up in a recent match. It […]

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  1. How to Use Pinterest for Business,

  2. Instagram Video May Be Strangling Vine Now, But This Fight Is Far From Over, ReadWrite

  3. 10 Quick Tips for Getting More Business Value Out of Twitter, HubSpot

  4. 4 Bullet Points For More Social Media Mastery, Social Fresh

  5. Disruptions: Social Media Images Form a New Language Online, New York Times

  6. Facebook for Windows Phone completely redesigned with high-res pictures, post sharing, Timeline view, and more, The Next Web

  7. How Many Social Media Sites Should Your Business Use?, Mack Collier

  8. How Musicians Are Using Video On Instagram, All Facebook

  9. Q&A with Facebook Director of Small Business Dan Levy (Part I), Inside Facebook

  10. SnapChat Targets Tweens with SnapKidz – Hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your husband…,

  11. So, How Long Will This #HashtagMarketingCraze Last?, Contently

  12. Surveys: Most SMBs Use Social Media but Few Find It ‘Effective’, Screenwerk

  13. Twilert (Twitter Alert Tool) Relaunches, But It’s Not Free Anymore, Small Business Search Marketing

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