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Marketing Day: John Oliver On Real-Time Marketing, YouTube Analytics & Top 50 Web Properties

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Another Scheduled Social Post Goes Awry, Joan Rivers Endorses iPhone 6 Even after death, famously self-deprecating Joan Rivers is still giving what-not-to-do lessons: “Can we talk?” As in if you are going to schedule a social media post far in advance, make sure the message hasn’t become outdated or inappropriate when it’s published. Today, the late comedian’s Instagram and Facebook pages posted an endorsement of Apple’s […]

  2. Why Tag Management Isn’t Really About Web Site Analytics Anymore In the third installment of Marketing Land’s tag management series, contributor Domenico Tassone explains how and why marketers must be involved in choosing a TMS.

  3. And Now This: A Response To John Oliver’s Views On Real-Time Marketing Contributor Chris Kerns argues it’s easy to poke fun at obvious brand mistakes on Twitter, but that doesn’t mean newsjacking isn’t effective marketing.

  4. YouTube’s New Real-Time Analytics Offers Minute-By-Minute Video View Count YouTube today announced a major upgrade to its analytics dashboard that will provide video publishers a minute-by-minute look at how many people are watching their videos. It’s a long-awaited addition that will be very welcome to YouTube publishers accustomed to anything but real-time statistics about video views. For years, YouTube analytics have been opaque about […]

  5. Twitter Says #VoteYes Beats #BetterTogether By Far In Scotland Independence Vote While we’re still waiting for the results of Scotland’s vote today on whether to go independent from the United Kingdom, Twitter is out with stats showing that if hashtags were votes, then the pro-independence side would be winning. Since August 5, the #VoteYes hashtag for pro-independence has been tweeted 1.1 million times, compared to the […]

  6. Twitter Study: TV Shows Get A Big Follower Boost From Live-Tweeting Broadcasts Tweet more, get more Twitter followers and spark more conversation. It’s not quite that simple, but no doubt there’s a correlation between high activity on Twitter and building an audience there. And if you send those tweets when that audience is prone to be listening? Expect your growth and engagement to be higher. So while […]

  7. Who Won, Who Lost As ComScore Shakes Up List Of Top U.S. Web Properties ComScore’s list of the Top 50 U.S. Web Properties doesn’t usually change much from month to month, but the newest list is anything but usual. For the first time, comScore has combined desktop and mobile activity to develop its traffic estimates. As you might guess, there’s a lot of movement. We’re talking about the August […]

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  5. Facebook Adding More Lookalike Audiences Targeting Options to Boost Post?,

  6. Facebook Earns 10% of Digital Ad Dollars, More Than Any Other Online Platform,

  7. Four secrets of successful global social media brand campaigns,

  8. Hosts and sponsors of “Twitter parties” must be aware of legal risks,

  9. In The New Wave Of Social Marketing M&A, Facebook PMDs Call The Shots,

  10. Industrial Marketers: Stop Ignoring Social Media,

  11. LinkedIn takes steps toward an ad network,

  12. Mandatory Google+ Gmail Integration Quietly Shelved,

  13. Nine best practice tips for Facebook advertising,

  14. Social Media Ad Spend Share Worldwide [STUDY],

  15. The 5 Social Media Metrics That Will Convince Your CFO To Double Your Budget,

  16. You Need Social Strategies with Bottom Line Metrics,


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