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Marketing Day: January 9, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Adios, Sponsored Stories: Facebook To Sunset The Problematic Ad Type In April In an announcement to developers, Facebook said it will be sunsetting sponsored stories. Domain and open graph sponsored stories are no longer allowed and any existing ones will cease to be delivered after April 9th. Facebook wrote: Facebook will sunset the creation of sponsored stories Page post and page like ads already automatically have the […]

  2. Old Guard Industries Now Driving Growth In B2B Online Advertising For the first time, established industries such as financial services and manufacturing are fueling the growth in real-time bidding in the B2B sector. While software and technology companies have been on the leading edge of adopting new marketing and advertising technologies, the financial services and manufacturing industries caught up last year. That’s according to new […]

  3. Holiday Mobile Orders Shot Up 50 Percent In 2013; Social Commerce Remains Negligible, Organic Still Dominates More than one in four US e-commerce orders this holiday season came from mobile devices. Custora released its complete E-Commerce Pulse data for the 2013 holiday season, an update of its post-Cyber Monday report that showed record sales in the US. This final analysis looks at e-commerce performance between November 1st through December 31st, highlighting […]

  4. Google Faces Maximum Privacy Fine, Public Shaming In France With the NSA spying scandal and a brewing transatlantic privacy dispute in the background, Google was given the maximum fine, 150,000 euros (roughly $203,000), for violating French privacy rules with its “unified” privacy policy. The French privacy authority, the National Commission for Computing and Civil Liberties (CNIL), previously gave Google three months to change and “fix” its privacy […]

  5. Take Control Of Your Visitors’ Eyes Learn how to use images and copy to control your visitors’ attention. Websites are an important part of most businesses these days. They are essential to communication, providing cognitive clues to the authority of the business and providing sustaining methods of completing transactions that correspond directly to the bottom line of the companies that use […]

  6. What 2014 Holds For Mobile Marketing: 5 Predictions It’s that time again. That’s right, I’m talking about 2014 mobile marketing prediction time. A few weeks ago, I asked some of my smart friends in the mobile/location-based marketing space for their 2014 predictions. As promised, in this month’s column, I am delivering a few of my own. If you want to look at last […]

  7. Buffer Analytics Beefs Up With Social Account Growth Tracking & Google Analytics Support The immensely popular social scheduling tool, Buffer, has just announced some serious upgrades to their suite of analytics services for their “Buffer for Business” tool. Buffer has risen to popularity by providing simple scheduling tools and widgets, most of which are offered at no cost. In summer of 2012, Buffer beefed up its service with […]

  8. 5 Social Media Trends To Kill In 2014 The beauty of a brand new year is the fresh start it provides — the idea that you can shake off all the past mistakes, assumptions and misunderstandings and start with a clean slate. It’s also a great time to get rid of a bad habit, like smoking or swearing. We could stand a little […]

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