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Marketing Day: January 7, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

According to financial analysts Facebook Q4 revenue (including payments, fees) could reach $1.5 billion. Search and social marketing platform Kenshoo says that just over 20 percent (20.3 percent) of the company’s ad revenue is now coming from mobile. More than one in five ad dollars spent on Facebook are “delivered on mobile devices” according to Kenshoo. The […]

Accompanying a delegation led by former New Mexico Gov. and UN Ambassador Bill Richardson, Google’s Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt arrived earlier this morning in Pyongyang, North Korea. They were there on what was described by Richardson as “a private humanitarian mission.” Richardson posted the following comment about the trip on his website: Governor Bill Richardson […]

This morning Apple issued a press release announcing that the iTunes App Store had reached 40 billion app downloads. It also said in the release that nearly half of those had come in 2012: Apple today announced that customers have downloaded over 40 billion apps, with nearly 20 billion in 2012 alone. The App Store […]

The end of 2012 saw the start of something that is likely to take up a lot of time and column inches in 2013: the true start of the social platform wars. It’s what I dubbed “Anti-Social Media” in my 2012 wrap-up post, and it’s likely to get just as messy as the mobile platform […]

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