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Marketing Day: January 4, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Last night internet marketer Todd Tweedy posted an eerie public Facebook wall post and hasn’t been seen since. The message references depression and he says goodbye before wishing everyone a happy new year. Since the disaperance, a #FindTodd campaign has started up on Twitter to locate Todd. In addition to the Tweets and coverage, an outpouring of support has shown […]

The rise of social media has inevitably led to the growth of social spam. The Wall Street Journal reported that social spam is on the rise and that the social networks are staffing up to combat this issue. Spam effects over 4 million users every day on Facebook alone. It’s not stopping either; the volume of spam on […]

There are innumerable companies (and individuals) in the business of trying to measure things like how content spreads on the web, why some content goes viral, and which social media users are most influential in making it happen. (Here at Marketing Land and Search Engine Land, we seem to get a new PR pitch on […]

Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:

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Social Media

  1. Reddit Has Gone Mad with Power,

  2. Why Twitter’s “verified account” failure matters, GigaOM

  3. 10 Enterprise Social Networking Obstacles,

  4. 10 Social Media Law & Governance Resolutions for 2012,

  5. 3 Ways Small Businesses Can Maximize Twitter,

  6. Announcing Facebook’s 2012 Hacker Cup,

  7. Google+ Is Going To Mess Up The Internet,

  8. How Pinterest Will Transform the Web in 2012: Social Content Curation As The Next Big Thing,

  9. How to Virally Grow Your Facebook Fan Page,

  10. It’s time to evolve the social media mindset,

  11. Path is where the A list hangs out, don’t tell anyone.,

  12. People Spent 6.7 Billion Hours on Social Networks in October,

  13. Social Campaigns Give Long-Term Boost to Brand Metrics,

  14. Social Media Helps Small Business Boost Sales, Keep Customers, Online Marketing Blog

  15. The Impact of Social Media on User Engagement,

  16. Twitter Marketing Tips: 4 B2C Examples, Online Marketing Blog

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