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Marketing Day: January 3, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Earlier today comScore released November mobile market share numbers for the US. Android and iOS continued their gains, with Android picking up some momentum over Apple. Some version of the Android OS is now installed on 53.7 percent of US smartphones. Meanwhile the other smartphone operating systems continued their long slow declines, including Microsoft’s. ComScore’s […]

Pinterest is now officially in the business of acquisitions. Punchfork, a popular recipe discovery site, has officially been acquired by Pinterest. Punchfork acts and looks similar to Pinterest, but actually pulls more content onto pages specifically around each recipe. According to the official announcement, the Punchfork team will be joining the Pinterest team in their San Francisco headquarters. The Punchfork site, […]

We’ve talked at length about the importance of engaging your Facebook community beyond simply acquiring fans. Page Post ads are a great way to encourage this interaction. If you’re a retailer, consider Facebook Offers, a relatively new type of Page Post that allows brand pages to create coupons and share them exclusively on Facebook. Offers […]

According to Reuters yesterday Apple has agreed to drop patent infringement claims against the Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini. Despite its availability online in several places, including Amazon, Samsung represented to the court that it’s not “making, using, selling, offering to sell or importing the Galaxy S III Mini in the United States.” On that basis […]

Today is our final round up of our top stories of 2012 with the Marketing Land stories most shared on Facebook. Unlike the top stories shared on Google+ – where our audience clearly preferred Google-related stories – Facebook sharers preferred different kinds of marketing articles, including content marketing, Facebook marketing, using Twitter and other social […]

Website developers are aware of the importance of keywords and the significance of getting the right keywords integrated into their content to produce better organic search results. The fact is, keywords are not only relevant to websites, they are important for app success, too. If you are creating a mobile app, it is vital that you […]

Which ad networks are — deliberately or inadvertently — contributing to piracy of movies, TV shows and music by running ads on the sites that enable the illegal distribution of this copyrighted material? Answering that question was the aim of a USC Annenberg Innovation Lab study released today that found that Google, Yahoo and Quantcast are […]

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