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Marketing Day: January 27, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Are you testing different things on your web site? Changing up your landing page copy, your navigation and other elements can lead to better conversion. The people at Monetate have assembled an infographic looking at the frequency of testing and types of testing that are conducted. The second part was especially interesting to us. Call-to-action buttons […]

Earlier this week, Facebook touted some data showing how the media has reaped benefits from the Subscribe button — but at least one journalist isn’t so sure that the numbers mean much. The Subscribe button launched in September and added Twitter-like functionality to Facebook; users could subscribe to anyone else’s public posts, whether they were […]

When the book “The World is Flat” first hit the bookstands back in 2005, many who read it came to have a better understanding of what it means to run a business in the global economy. Regardless of your view of the book, it did prompt us marketers to look more carefully and closely at the […]

Twitter announced enhanced profile pages for brands in early December, and the official roll out may occur next month. BusinessInsider reported from a source that the enhanced profiles will roll out after February 1st. There are a handful of companies who currently have enhanced profile pages including, Coca-Cola, Bing and Staples. The new pages will allow for custom header […]

With the debate continuing after Google announced a sweeping new approach to its privacy policy on Tuesday, the company has issued a fairly terse statement that also confirms reports that Congress has questions about Google’s changes. In a short blog post, Google Policy Manager Betsy Masiello says Google “look(s) forward” to answering questions from Congress. […]

Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:

Online Marketing News From Around The Web:

Blogs & Blogging

Business Issues

  1. Forget the EU: How to really empower users on privacy,

  2. Google says privacy change won’t affect government users,

  3. Page Rage Escalates As Google Cancels Twitter Android Meeting,

  4. Visual Revenue Inc. Secures $1.7M Series A Funding,

  5. Adscend: McKenna, Facebook case full of ‘false claims’,

  6. Apple Estimated to Retake Title of World’s Largest Smartphone Vendor,

  7. How does Google’s new privacy policy compare?, InfoWorld

  8. Reporters Without Borders asks Twitter to Reverse Censorship,

  9. Thoughts on Twitter’s Latest Move,

  10. Twitter Commits Social Suicide,

  11. Twitter uncloaks a year’s worth of DMCA takedown notices, 4,410 in all, Ars Technica

  12. Yahoo! Wins Digital Luminary Award at NATPE,

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