Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on
Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
5 Ways Super Bowl Advertisers Are Still Losing The Digital Game Super Bowl ad season is here. Yes, it’s become its own season as we’ve seen advertisers start their campaigns earlier and earlier to get the most out their enormous investment. Yet, beyond posting ads on YouTube and their websites, true digital integration continues to be an afterthought for too many of these brands. Super Bowl […]
When Gmail Went Down, Yahoo Poked Fun On Twitter Gmail was down briefly today, and Yahoo — which suffered its own and much longer-lasting email woes recently — still decided it was a good opportunity to have some fun, tweeting about the failure. Yahoo shared the news to its Twitter followers that “Gmail is temporarily unavailable,” with a picture of the Gmail error page: […]
Yes, Gmail Has Gone Down & Google+, Too Reports on Twitter — and my own first-hand experience — show that Google’s Gmail has gone down, a rare occurrence. Using one of the many site status checking services out there, Down For Everyone Or Just Me, also shows Gmail as down: Google’s “App Status Dashboard” isn’t showing the error, but it’s happening — and […]
Coming To Google: Click On Ad, Get Free Ride To Merchant Or Restaurant? The day may be near when AdWords advertisers can offer customers immediate transportation to bring them to their locations right from an ad. Google has been awarded the patent for “Transportation-aware physical advertising conversions” US 8630897 B1 which essentially allows advertisers to show a sort-of transportation ad extension offering free or discounted travel to their […]
6 Analytics Tips To Predict Your Online Marketing Revenue In 2014 Though 2014 has just started and most budgets have been allocated to individual acquisition channels, it is not too late to analyze how to best utilize those budgets over time. In order to do so, one should not confuse short-term goals with long-term goals, since the long-term ROAS will eventually tend to be greater than […]
Pinterest Tests A Personalized Interests Category A limited number of Pinterest users are being invited to test a personalized “Interests” category. The invite shows up as a home page pop-up and promises “a whole new way to explore Pins.” If a user accepts the invite, a new “Interests” option shows up at the top of the site’s main navigation menu and […]
Sloppy Study Likens Facebook To Disease, Facebook Offers Sarcastic Retort Academic research ain’t what it used to be. As you’ve undoubtedly read, researchers from Princeton applied an infectious disease model to analyze Facebook usage and potentially predict the future trajectory of the social network. The researchers relied primarily on Google Trends search data to glean traffic patterns and audience interest in Facebook. The conclusion of […]
Microsoft Says Product Demand Remains High, Reports Record $24.52 Billion Revenue For FY14 Q2 Microsoft has released its earnings report for FY14 Q2, claiming a record $24.52 billion in revenue. “We delivered record revenue as demand for our business offerings remains high,” said Microsoft chief financial officer Amy Hood in a statement released today. Microsoft’s devices, consumer and commercial revenue all climbed. Devices and consumer revenue was up 13 […]
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
May (or Shall) an Affiliate Promote Multiple Same Niche Merchants?, Affiliate Marketing Blog
Affiliates Boost Brand & Network Holiday Traffic,
Blurred Lines are Good When it Comes to Performance Marketing,
Blogs & Blogging
PressCastle Aims to Put Every WordPress Theme in One Place,
Become a Better Blogger And Content Creator,
I Started Blogging, So Where Are My Sales?,
Business Issues
Google: We do not charge licensing fees for Android’s Google Mobile Services,
Facebook CFO David Ebersman offloads stock, Inside Facebook
Sony Pictures, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg Make Deal For ‘Lean In’,
Content Marketing
The Most Effective Content Marketing Tip Ever,
A Content Marketing Plan Can’t Focus on Both Lead & Demand Generation, Content Marketing Institute
Copywriting, Design & Usability
11 Resources to Help You Create a Flat Design Responsive Site, Crazy Egg
5 Not-So-Secrets to Writing Great Headlines,
7 new Web domains to be released, Los Angeles Times
Ten more new gTLDs go live, DomainIncite
General Internet Marketing
10 Marketing Strategies Declining in Popularity, but Still Effective,
Internet Marketing Industry
Experian Marketing Services Rolls Out Device Recognition Offering Via AdTruth,
Mobile/Local Marketing
Apple to roll out larger-screen iPhones, scrap 5c, report says, Los Angeles Times
Reputation Management
The Absolute Best Way to Tank Your Online Reputation,
Social Media
CNN Twitter account hacked,
Introducing App Insights 2.0 Beta, Facebook
Facebook continues to dominate social referrals, Inside Facebook
Hoaxsters bought us 75,000 fake followers in a new kind of Twitter attack,
How to drive online sales via Instagram, Internet Retailer
Our First Birthday: A Year on Vine,