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Marketing Day: January 23, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Volkswagen Wins Title Of Most Shared Super Bowl Brand Ever With Over 7 Million Shares After putting together its list of the top 20 most shared Super Bowl ads of all time, video marketing firm Unruly determined the top ten most shared Super Bowl brands ever, with Volkswagen leading the list. To rank the most shared Super Bowl brands, Unruly measured the combined number of online shares earned by each […]

  2. Twitter Deals Out In-Depth Analytics For Twitter Cards Over the next few days some significant marketing enhancements will be arriving on your Twitter Cards. Today Twitter announced the official release of Twitter Card analytics that will be available to all cards users. The goal of this upgrade is to help users gain more insight into the type of media that performs the best […]

  3. Consumer Watchdog Files FTC Complaint Over “Send To Anyone On Google+” Feature Consumer Watchdog, the non-profit group that might more accurately be called “Google Watchdog,” has filed a complaint with the FTC over Google’s recent rollout of a feature that lets Gmail users contact Google+ users without knowing the recipient’s email address. Google launched the “Send to Anyone on Google+” feature earlier this month, which lets anyone […]

  4. Google Invests $14 Million Of Combined $61 Million Tech Firms Spent To Sway Legislators In 2013 When it comes to influencing Washington, Google was at the top of the list of tech companies that spent a combined $61.15 million on lobbying efforts last year. According to a report from Consumer Watchdog, Google invested $14.06 million of the $61.15 million invested by ten tech firms, including Microsoft, IBM, Facebook and Oracle. Consumer […]

  5. Report: Marketing Emails Opened On Mobile Devices Jumped 61% To 65% In Q4 2013 The number of marketing emails opened on mobile devices continued to climb last quarter according to email marketing provider Movable Ink. The company’s US Consumer Device Preference Report for Q4 2013 claims 65 percent of marketing emails were opened on mobile devices during the last quarter of 2013, up from 61 percent during third quarter. […]

  6. Push Mobile Marketing — App Notifications Vs. Messaging Every day, marketers are finding new and innovative strategies to reach their target audience and build loyal relationships. Luckily, through mobile, we have a channel that allows us to get even more up close and personal with consumers. To have a balanced mobile strategy, it is important to leverage both push and pull techniques. We […]

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