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Marketing Day: January 21, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Study: 92 Percent Of Top Brands Tweet Avg. 12X Per Day, Audiences Grew 20 Percent In Q4 In a new study of how top brands use Twitter, social media analytics firm Simply Measured found 92 percent of brands tweet an average of 12 times a day. Nearly all (98 percent) of top brands are active on Twitter. The study shows that consumers are eager to follow brands on Twitter. Audiences for top […]

  2. Google Clarifies: Guest Blogging Is OK, But “Guest Blogging For SEO” Is Not Relax, publications that use guest bloggers and contributors. Google’s not planning to penalize you under its new “guest blogging equals spam” warning put out yesterday. Rather, the company says, guest blogging is only bad if the main reason a post is run is to gain links meant to influence rankings in Google. Yesterday, the […]

  3. Google Rolls Out “AdSense Direct” For Publishers To Manage Direct Ad Sales Google announced the roll out of AdSense Direct today to allow publishers to implement campaigns for ads they sell direct to advertisers through the AdSense system, with no code changes. Google has also published step-by-step set-up instructions. After securing a direct ad deal with an advertiser, the publisher sets up the campaign in AdSense and […]

  4. Facebook Tweaks News Feed: Text Updates Aren’t Working, Won’t Be Shown As Much Facebook wants Page Owners to stop sharing so many text-based updates and instead try other types of updates that the company says get higher engagement in the News Feed. In a blog post today, Facebook’s News Feed Ranking Product Manager Chris Turitzin says the company has tweaked the News Feed algorithm to downgrade text updates […]

  5. 17 Near-Fatal Mistakes I Regret Committing On Social Media In 2013 Accept it. We’re all learning in social media. Every day is a new lesson learned, a new best practice established. And many of these lessons come by way of mistakes. I spend a lot of time on social media, mostly observing what other people do, how they behave, and what they click on (or don’t) […]

  6. Learn from the Pros: See Who’s Speaking at SMX West and Save $200 More than 80 of the world’s most knowledgeable internet marketers will present at Search Engine Land’s SMX West conference, March 11-13 in San Jose, CA. You’ll learn what makes them successful, what keeps them up at night, and what to expect from digital marketing in the next year. You’ll hear from: Brand marketers from the […]

  7. Microsoft Calls For International Conference On Government Surveillance Last week President Obama announced reforms to curb NSA domestic spying abuses. There was a range of reactions but many critics contend he didn’t go far enough. The proposed reforms also probably don’t help the tech industry very much. Perhaps feeling let down or skeptical that the US reforms will change much Microsoft’s General Counsel Brad Smith is calling for […]

  8. How Many iPhones Did Apple Sell Last Quarter: 50 Million Or More? On January 27 Apple will release its fiscal Q1 and full-year results. We’ll find out the answer to a question and game that pundits and financial analysts play each quarter: how many devices did the company sell? A year ago Apple announced sales of 47.8 million iPhones and 22.9 million iPads. It recorded $54.5 billion in gross […]

  9. Say No To Commercial Creep In Search Results You’ve read all the guidelines. You’ve hired experts to determine the morally correct and righteous path. You’ve watched the endless hours of Matt Cutts videos on YouTube. You pay experts thousands of dollars a month to make sure your search efforts are optimized safely and accurately. You work within the confines of the assumed moral […]

  10. Google Remarketing Ads Broke Canada Privacy Laws, Concedes To Revamp Ad Review System Canada’s Office of the Privacy Commissioner has found Google in violation of Canada’s privacy rights for the use of sensitive health history in remarketing campaigns. The finding comes after an investigation spurred by a Canadian man who complained that his private health information was being used by Google to retarget him with ads for sleeep […]

  11. For The Right Content Marketing Answers, Ask The Right Content Strategy Questions A big box retailer’s chief content officer of reached out recently with a question. Here’s what he wanted to know: “What is the percentage of content you see utilized comparatively that’s company generated versus user-generated versus contributor generated? I’m trying to see how others are looking at their mix.” What would you have told him? […]

  12. Leveraging The Social Media Ego In the era of Big Data, marketers use buyer information to shape their initiatives more than ever. Data on what your targets are searching for, listening to and buying can provide a mother lode of insight that empowers you to create relevant, high-ROI campaigns. Yet this only works with targets whose data is available. Quite […]

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