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Marketing Day: January 21, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. After North Korea Trip, Eric Schmidt’s Daughter Outshines Father With Travelogue Back from his trip to North Korea, Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt has posted a few thoughts on his visit. But far more interesting and revealing was the travelogue from his daughter Sophie, who accompanied him on the trip. Eric Speaks Of Isolation Schmidt posted about his visit on his Google+ page, saying North Korean technology is limited, […]

  2. France Wants To Tax Facebook, Google “Personal Data Collection” Summarizing a report issued by the French government last week the New York Times says that France is considering a range of creative taxation schemes on US based Internet companies — Google and Facebook in particular. France is trying to generate new revenues amid a challenging economic climate in Europe. Google and Facebook are seen […]

  3. Storify Allows Private Facebook Posts To Be Seen Publicly If you use popular social content creation site Storify your Private Facebook posts likely aren’t so private. AGBeat’s Lani Rosales uncovered a serious privacy issue around Facebook posts published to the site by Storify. Using the Storify app or embed code users can see posts (public or private) that have been published to Storify. To test the theory […]

  4. LinkedIn: Pages Vs. Groups For B2B companies, LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social media channels available. In fact, our Social Media research of more than 5,000 companies has shown that LinkedIn is 277% more effective at generating leads than Facebook and Twitter. But, with so many tools and micro-channels within LinkedIn, how do you make sure you’re getting the most out […]

  5. The Truth About Big Data In today’s increasingly data-driven world, it’s interesting that there remain a number of misconceptions and hesitations surrounding big data. The most significant misconception is that many marketers refer to big data as a thing when it is simply a trend. While some marketers are weary of it, others are excited and ready to use the […]

  6. More Than 100 Internet Marketing Experts Speaking At SMX West – Join Them In San Jose, March 11-13 The SMX West conference faculty features more than 100 of the world’s leading authorities on SEO, paid search, social media and related internet marketing topics. Learn what the experts know! Register today and attend SMX West, March 11-13 in San Jose, CA. SMX West speakers will share tactics and techniques to boost your visibility, traffic, […]

  7. Federated Media Now Claims Greater Ad Reach Than Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL Federated Media, a company that began by placing display ads on high-traffic blogs and other publisher sites, now claims to be the third largest US ad network according yet-to-be released December data from comScore. November ad network rankings show Federated was number four, reaching an audience of 186.3 million unique users. The press release […]

  8. Google Tells Investors To Moderate Their Earnings Expectations Earlier today Google issued an accounting-related missive on its investor relations site that sought to correct a problem with financial analysts’ earnings estimates for the company. Google will be reporting Q4 revenue numbers on Tuesday next week. Google is compelled to report revenues for the part of Motorola that it is selling (Motorola Home) separate […]

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