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Marketing Day: January 2, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Yelp Hires Republican DC Lobbyist For IP, Free-Speech Issues According to “inside the beltway” publication The Hill, Yelp has hired a former Republican legislative aide as its first formal lobbyist. The lobbyist is Laurent Crenshaw, who was most recently an aide for House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.). Crenshaw will reportedly be addressing patent and copyright issues, including issues arising under the 1998 […]

  2. Google’s Share Of Social Logins Hits Highest Level In Q4 Since 2010 Google continues to be an increasingly popular choice when it comes to social logins, and Q4 of 2013 was its best single quarter since 2010, according to the latest report from Janrain. Google hit 35 percent of all social logins in the quarter, its highest level since being at 38 percent in Q4 of 2010. […]

  3. Report: Apple Gains Smartphone Share But The iPad Slips Ad network Chitika is out this morning with a post-holiday analysis of smartphone and tablet traffic. Based on “tens of millions of smartphone and tablet online ad impressions from the Chitika network,” the study looked at North American internet traffic from December 20 to December 29, 2013. According to the study, the iPhone saw a […]

  4. Marketing Land’s Most-Shared Stories on Google+ in 2013: Google+, Google Reader and Google Glass Happy New Year Marketing Land fans! We kick off 2014 with our last look back at 2013, the most-shared Marketing Land stories on Google+. What was the hottest topic our readers “+1′d” this past year? Just as our Facebook fans prefer to share stories about Facebook, our readers on Google+ like news and stories about Google, […]

  5. Google’s Eric Schmidt: “Mobile Has Won” In an “ask a billionaire” interview with Bloomberg, Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt makes a number of predictions about the coming year and beyond. Among them he says, “Mobile has won.” What does he mean? The simple meaning of his remark — and the one he intends — is that there are more tablets and […]

  6. Today’s Methods Help Us More Aggressively Compete It used to be that one of your primary means of competing as a brand was raising the spend and buying more impressions than your competitors — and doing it creatively, in order to stir up more laughter and tears than the other guy. Your budget and creative wherewithal were your arsenal. We carried that […]

  7. Creating Fatigue-Proof Retargeting Ads Web surfers aren’t going to engage with the same dreary creative displayed over and over again. This makes it key to vary your message, pursue a theme, or even tell a story with multiple creative units, especially if impression frequency per user is more than a couple times a day. As there are many elements […]

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