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Marketing Day: January 18, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

According to Reuters European regulators are going to decide by the end of Q1 2012 (March) about the filing of a formal antitrust case against Google. Apparently this timing is much sooner than expected. The European investigation began a little more than a year ago in November 2010. The European Commission investigation arose out of formal […]

Major web sites have gone dark to protest the anti-piracy bills in the US Congress known as SOPA and PIPA. Internet companies fear they potentially could “break” the internet by giving out powers to broadly to ban or censor web sites. Status Of The Bills SOPA — the Stop Online Piracy Act — is the bill in […]

With Jerry Yang stepping down from Yahoo’s board of directors today, I couldn’t help but think back to one of my first encounters with him, a fond memory shared by the shrinking pool of veteran internet marketers. It was the day Jerry started the Yahoo Priority Queue. Yahoo The Gatekeeper Think of how big and […]

Today Google announced the addition of two new features to Google+. One of the features is quite helpful and time saving, the other … not so much. Hashtag Autocomplete The first item coming to Google + is an auto-complete feature for hashtags. This will allow popular hashtags to appear when a user enters the ‘#’ symbol.. This looks […]

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  4. Facebook Plugins Keep People On Websites 50% Longer,

  5. Hard At Work: Twitter Use In The Office Up 700% Since 2010,

  6. How Facebook Helped To Oust Wisconsin Governor,

  7. How To Manage Your Social Profiles When You’re Strained For Time, Search Engine People

  8. New app for iPhone and iPod touch!, Orkut Blog

  9. Twitter Resolutions For 2012,

  10. UH, OH! Facebook Pages Only Reach 17% Of Fans,

  11. Why Google+ Matters to Ecommerce + 9 Things You Should Do About It,

  12. Why Google+ Matters to Ecommerce + 9 Things You Should Do About It | Get Elastic Ecommerce Blog,

  13. [Infographic] How To Use Contra-Competitive Timing for More ReTweets, Likes, Comments and Clicks,

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