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Marketing Day: January 17, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Feeling confused about all you may have heard about Google’s new “Search Plus Your World” search results that came out last week? It’s understandable. Just digesting the new features is tough enough, much less trying to follow all the accusations and counter-accusations that were flying around. Here’s a guide designed to answer questions you might […]

At the end of last week Google was on the receiving end of accusations that it had scraped a local directory site in Kenya (Mocality) and then perpetrated a scam using that site’s name in cold calls to local businesses. Last night new allegations from the people behind Google Maps competitor Open Street Map claimed […]

Whether engaging in a multi-channel advertising campaign or simply trying to expand your online presence, Social Media is one platform marketers cannot afford to miss as we move into 2012. Several leaders have emerged as viable options for marketers to engage with their target audience to an extent which would not have been imaginable a […]

Last week, Lady Gaga — one of the most popular people on Facebook and Twitter — didn’t even a Google+ account. Today, she does. It looks like Google’s pimping of Google+ on its search results page just paid off big time. Welcome To Google+, Lady Gaga Lady Gaga started posting yesterday on a verified Google+ […]

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