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Marketing Day: January 16, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Propelled By Women, Pinterest Beats Out Email In Social Sharing For First Time [Report] Pinterest has snagged the bronze from email. New data from social sharing service ShareThis shows that for the first time, Pinterest outpaced email to become the third most popular sharing channel in the fourth quarter of 2013. While sharing via email declined 11 percent year-over-year, Pinterest shares increased 58 percent, making it the fastest growing […]

  2. Facebook Debuts Real-Time “Trending” Topics On The Web Just ahead of the Super Bowl, the Oscars and the Winter Olympics, Facebook has launched a redesigned Trending section on the web. The update is an effort to make Facebook the place to know what’s going on in the real-time zeitgeist. And, the comparison to Twitter’s Trending Topics is obvious. Trending is “designed to surface […]

  3. Google Launches WordPress Plugin For AdSense And Webmaster Tools Google has released a new plugin for publishers using WordPress. The official Google Publisher Plugin offers support for Google AdSense and Google Webmaster Tools, with more services likely to be added in the future. This is a beta release, so as an early adopter, you’re also a test case. Google said in the release announcement, […]

  4. Pew: 50 Percent In US Now Own Tablet Or E-Reader This morning, the Pew Research Center released new data about tablet and e-reader ownership among US adults. Previously, the organization said that 43 percent of Americans (over 16) owned either a tablet or e-reader (or both). After the holiday, that number has jumped to 50 percent of all American adults (18 and over). The Pew survey, […]

  5. SEO Can’t Be Done Without Mobile SEO It’s 2014, which means we are officially one year away from the year that Kelsey Group predicted mobile search will eclipse desktop search. Are you making your mobile resolutions to ensure you’re ready for when that time comes? 2013 In Review Hopefully, you were with us last year as well, when we used this column […]

  6. Google, Moz & Hubspot Are The Most Recognized Marketing Tech Brands In Marketing Land Survey It wouldn’t be too hard to make a list of the things that Google, Moz and HubSpot have in common: they provide marketing technology products. They have legions of customers and fans. They speak and exhibit at industry conferences. And more. They also have one of the most valuable things any company could hope for, […]

  7. Report: Super Bowl Ad Shares Jumped 89% Between 2012 & 2013 According to a report released today by video technology firm Unruly, the number of shares for the top ten Super Bowl ads climbed from 5.4 million in 2012 to more than 10 million shares in 2013, representing an 89 percent increase in total shares across Facebook, Twitter and the blogosphere. Not only did the number […]

  8. Google Fails To Prevent UK Court From Hearing Privacy Suit It’s rare that courts rule they don’t have jurisdiction to hear cases arising from events that happened on their own soil. Thus, predictably, Google has lost its bid to dismiss a UK-based civil complaint, arising out of the “Cookiegate” episode, on jurisdictional grounds. As you may recall, Cookiegate arose when Google was discovered surreptitiously circumventing the Safari browser’s […]

  9. Axe “Peace” Super Bowl Ad Featuring North Korean & Middle Eastern Leaders Gets Early Launch Posted to YouTube two days ago, Unilever’s Axe brand Super Bowl ad appears to be the first 2014 Super Bowl Ad to hit the internet. While the spot posted on Axe’s YouTube channel is a 60-second spot, BBH London, the agency that produced the ad, posted an 1:50 extended version of the ad on its […]

  10. Digital Audit: What To Keep, What To Discard & What To Change For 2014 It’s never been easy to keep up with business and marketing trends. Conflicting information abounds online, and new digital tools arrive so frequently that many marketers find themselves operating in a tangled web of programs and strategies. Not all of these tools deliver — but knowing what to leave behind in 2013 and what to […]

  11. Yahoo’s De Castro Shown The Door By CEO Mayer USAToday, among others, reported yesterday that Yahoo COO Henrique de Castro “stepped down” from his role, in the wake of Yahoo’s decline from number two to number three (after Google and Facebook) in online advertising. Stepped down is polite. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer bounced him out the door. In an internal memo, published on Re/Code, […]

  12. Moz Launches A Delightfully Designed Social Media Guide For Newbies For most marketers reading this, no explanation is necessary for social media. But what about everyone else? Relax, it’s now covered. If you are new to social media, Moz, a marketing tools provider & marketing community, has created a new “Beginner’s Guide to Social Media” that is chock full of stellar information and jaw dropping […]

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