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Marketing Day: January 13, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Here we are, just about two weeks into 2012, and I’m willing to bet a lot of us have already broken a New Year’s resolution or had one of our 2012 predictions proven wrong. (Did you predict that Google would get through the year without any controversy? Wrong. Wrong. And wrong again. Better luck next […]

Google says it has apologized to Mocality, a local search directory in Kenya, for scraping Mocality’s database of businesses and lying about its relationship with Mocality when contacting those businesses. Mocality laid out its evidence against Google in a blog post today, accusing Google of scraping its local business listings, contacting local businesses in an […]

Two interesting Facebook reports surfaced today, one displaying the estimated growth of the social network and the other showing that competitors may be eating up market share. Facebook states that they currently have “more than 800 million” active users, 50% of which log on to Facebook everyday. Facebook To Hit A Billion? Digital firm, iCrossing, […]

Sixty-nine percent of American women online say they rely on advice they find on blogs when making consumer electronics purchases, versus only 53 percent that say they rely on social networks. That’s the conclusion of a recent survey sponsored by BlogHer, the female-oriented blog network. The largest number of respondents (74%) said they most preferred […]

According to Indian site NDTV a top Indian court said that Google and Facebook could be entirely blocked in the country unless they come up with a way to selectively censor or remove images and content that India’s government deems offensive. This is pursuant to a recently enacted law aimed at blocking or removing “offensive” […]

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