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Marketing Day: January 11, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

The war of words continues between Google and Twitter over Google’s new “Search Plus” results that, in part, promote Google+ social accounts. This time, an appropriate example to fight over, the WWE. Let’s get ready to rumble! Twitter’s general counsel, Alex Macgillivray, tweeted about the dispute today: Folks asked for examples. Here’s what a user searching […]

The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) may file a request asking the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate antitrust and privacy concerns surrounding Google’s latest update to its search results. As the LA Times reports, EPIC Executive Director Marc Rotenberg says his group will probably file a complaint with the FTC. “We believe this is […]

What can social media marketers learn from protests in Spain? Given that Twitter was used to get out the word about these protests, there’s plenty of insight to be gained. To that end, researchers at Oxford analyzed nearly 600,000 tweets over a 30 day period to learn how people were influenced to join these protests, […]

Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt says Google+ content is not being favored over Twitter and Facebook by Google’s search engine. Rather, those companies can be treated the same if they grant Google the right permissions to access their content. I spoke with Schmidt today about the developing war-of-words between Twitter and Google, which broke out […]

Last month Facebook announced that sponsored story ads would soon be integrated directly into users’ news feed. It has been confirmed that these paid featured stories are now appearing in news feeds. The ads will look quite similar to traditional wall posts with the ability to contain text and imagery. The sponsored posts will feature a subtle […]

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  1. 10 Biggest Facebook Marketing Mistakes of 2011,

  2. 6 Reasons 2012 is the Perfect Time for Social Media, Search Engine Guide

  3. 6 Ways To Tell If You’re Social Media-Ready,

  4. A new option for your home page, Orkut Blog

  5. Boners BBQ Bashes Customer On Facebook And Twitter, Social Media Battle Ensues (PICTURES),

  6. Facebook Fan Size May Not Translate to Relationship Quality,

  7. Homeland Security watches Twitter, social media, Reuters

  8. Path: The "Future" of Social Networking,

  9. Smaller Social Sites See Significant Boost in Usage,

  10. Twitter 2011 Trends from What the Trend: Part 2 featuring Brands and Hashtags,

  11. What Percentage of your Tweets Should be Links or Replies,

  12. [New Data] What Percentage of your Tweets Should be Links or Replies | Dan Zarrella,

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