Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Constant Contact + Endurance = Watch Out, GoDaddy Nov 6, 2015 by Barry Levine The CEOs of the newly combined company, generating annual revenue of more than $1 billion, outline their direction forward.
Study: The Content That Compels People to Buy Nov 6, 2015 by Nathan Safran Contributor Nathan Safran reveals key findings from a study by Blue Nile Research on which content types are most likely to appeal to consumers during the buyer journey.
Are Millennials Speeding Up The Slow Death Of Interruption Marketing? Nov 6, 2015 by Erika Trautman Columnist Erika Trautman explores research that shows how authenticity, choice and control are key factors for successful engagement with Millennials.
Modern Marketing Essentials Guide: Content Marketing Nov 6, 2015 by Digital Marketing Depot Content marketing is driving the way marketing organizations are engaging their audiences. But in our consumer-empowered world, it’s become more difficult for marketers to cut through clutter and a lot more challenging to garner loyalty with their audiences.
Video Marketing Lessons From People Who Have Been There, Done That Nov 6, 2015 by Michael Litt Looking to step up your video marketing strategy? Columnist Michael Litt highlights several successful video campaigns and offers some takeaways on what you can learn from them.
Marketing Land Quiz: Do You Know What Happened In Digital Marketing This Week? Nov 6, 2015 by Amy Gesenhues Test your knowledge about interactive marketing headlines for the week of November 2.
Is That A Fact? 5 Principles For Proving That Digital Advertising Works Nov 6, 2015 by Peter Minnium As digital advertising continues to transform, columnist Peter Minnium shares five things he’s learned to help marketers take advantage of this new, digitally driven world.
Study: Retailers Are Ignoring More Than 80% Of Customers’ Social Media Requests Nov 5, 2015 by Martin Beck Sprout Social finds most merchants fail to respond to consumer questions on Facebook and Twitter, a problem compounded during the holiday shopping season when the volume of requests increases.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Yahoo Image Search Adds Personalized Photos From Your Flickr Collection
What Does Yahoo’s New Google Partnership Mean For SEO’s Future?
Search In Pics: YouTube Paper Rocket Ship, Baymax At Google & Matt Cutts As USB Drive
Tips For Getting A New Google AdWords Account Off On The Right Foot
Adolphe Sax Google Doodle Commemorates Musician & Instrument Maker On His 201st Birthday
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
Cross-device tracking in the affiliate channel: Which method is best?, econsultancy.com
How One Company is Measuring What Really Matters, www.convinceandconvert.com
Is Your Brand Analytically Astute?, www.cmswire.com
Blogs & Blogging
Business Issues
Content Marketing
3 Resources to Help You Write Thought-Provoking Content that Gets People Talking, www.copyblogger.com
4 Ways to Write Content for Customer Nurturing, blog.marketo.com
In Branded Content Initiative, Squarespace And The Guardian Work Toward Authenticity And Better Distribution, adexchanger.com
Kick-Start Your International Marketing Strategy with Content, unbounce.com
Conversion Optimization
Negative Customer Experiences Affect Online Conversion Rates, www.emarketer.com
Neil Patel’s 5 Surprising Conversion Rate Optimization Discoveries, blog.crazyegg.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
3 Mobile UX Design Principles From Apps We Love, www.usertesting.com
Copyranter: On terrible taglines, digiday.com
Why Strong Writing Is a Skill to Prioritize in 2016 (And How to Hire Great Writers), contentmarketinginstitute.com
European privacy ruling could add to registrars’ costs, domainincite.com
GoDaddy patent app describes mobile domain name transfer system, domainnamewire.com
5 Survival Tips for Launching Ecommerce Sites in Global Markets, multichannelmerchant.com
How do e-retailers react to abandon shopping carts? Most don’t, www.internetretailer.com
Oprah’s Favorite Things Is Here And Now It’s All In One Place On Amazon, techcrunch.com
The top reason Amazon Prime members pony up? Free shipping, www.retaildive.com
Email Marketing
Get Your Emails Ready for the Holidays with These 11 Email Templates, blogs.constantcontact.com
Retailers’ holiday emails urge consumers to shop now, www.internetretailer.com
The Email Measurement Trifecta: 3 Types of Benchmarks Marketers Should Use Together, www.silverpop.com
UK Digital Buyers Prefer Email Communications from Retailers, www.emarketer.com
Your Guide To Setting Up Gmail Ads, www.ppchero.com
General Internet Marketing
Survey: What Marketers Need to Know About Influencers, www.adweek.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Marketing and IT would like to get along, but kinda don’t, www.internetretailer.com
Neustar to Acquire Marketing Technology Provider MarketShare, www.martechadvisor.com
Why Marketers Love to Hate MarTech, www.cmswire.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
Debunking 3 Big Myths You Probably Believed About Mobile Ads, www.adweek.com
How Axel Springer made mobile coupons work, digiday.com
How cross-linking could propel Facebook’s Notify to the top, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
User data plundering by Android and iOS apps is as rampant as you suspected, Ars Technica
Young Adults More Likely to Own Smartphone Than PC, www.emarketer.com
Social Media
4 Brands Catching on to the Twitter Emoji Craze, www.adweek.com
4 Tips for Creating Amazing Facebook Landing Pages, www.wordstream.com
4 Ways to Streamline Your Social Media Campaigns, www.searchenginejournal.com
Instagram Strategy: How to Grow a Loyal Following With Instagram, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Instagram’s testing new ads that drive sales, brand sources say, digiday.com
What 8 Agency Executives Think About Twitter’s New Like Button, www.adweek.com
Win the Game of Thrones with Advanced Twitter Ads Tips, www.clixmarketing.com
3 Tips On Designing For VR, From Google, www.fastcodesign.com
BuzzFeed: YouTube Channel Review – Through the ‘Reel’ Wringer, www.reelseo.com