Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Instagram highlights video with new look for Explore Apr 14, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg Instagram is giving users a more personalized Explore channel, both for discovery and for finding new content that is tailored to the users’ likes.
Inside the making of Taco Bell’s artifically intelligent, drunk-tolerant TacoBot Apr 14, 2016 by Tim Peterson Taco Bell and its agency, Deutsch, built a Slack bot that uses Facebook’s AI technology to take down orders and even crack a couple of jokes.
The week when digital marketing entered the Age of the Agent Layer Apr 14, 2016 by Barry Levine It’s not just Facebook Messenger’s new bot platform, but that huge userbase bends the tipping point.
A CMO’s View: How the Grammys & Intel teamed up to create Lady Gaga’s David Bowie tribute Apr 14, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues Grammys CMO Evan Greene shares details around his brand’s partnership with Intel and the role it played in this year’s show.
How checking your link profile can save your site Apr 14, 2016 by Pratik Dholakiya Inbound links are crucial to your SEO success, but Pratik Dholakiya reminds us that if we aren’t vigilant, toxic backlinks can lead to ranking penalties.
Develop free, lightweight attribution insights for your paid & organic channels Apr 14, 2016 by Chris Liversidge Looking to reallocate or reduce your paid search spend and not sure where to start? Columnist Chris Liversidge shows how you can identify opportunities by comparing your paid and organic search performance data by keyword and device.
2016 State of Link Building Survey coverage Apr 14, 2016 by Andrew Dennis What does modern-day link building look like? Columnist Andrew Dennis explores the results of a 2016 survey on link building conducted by Moz, Credo and Page One Power.
Proposed EU–US “Privacy Shield” data transfer agreement dead in current form Apr 14, 2016 by Greg Sterling As suggested by earlier leaks, European privacy regulators are rejecting the new “Privacy Shield” Data Transfer Agreement announced in February as insufficiently protective of personal data.
Stop scattering chum: Use intent data to catch big fish with your marketing automation platform Apr 14, 2016 by Thomas Koletas Is your marketing automation as smart as it should be? Columnist Thomas Koletas explains how using intent data can help make your automation program more intelligent and efficient.
7 modern ways to significantly boost blog traffic (that only rookies skip) Apr 14, 2016 by John Lincoln Are you looking to quickly increase your blog traffic? Columnist John Lincoln reveals some key strategies, from connecting with other bloggers to creating long-form content and more.
Study: Facebook users are sharing posts more frequently but liking and commenting less Apr 14, 2016 by Greg Finn A new study from Rival IQ shows that the only post engagement metric that saw Y0Y growth in 2015 was the share.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
How Adobe and Google Are Shaping the Future of Digital Analytics, www.cmswire.com
Introducing Document Analytics, contently.com
Panic Time or False Alarm? A Beginner’s Guide to Traffic Drop Analysis, www.distilled.net
Blogs & Blogging
7 Tips to Help You on Your Way to Blogging Full Time, www.problogger.net
Has Blogging Become A PITA?, seocopywriting.com
How a Business Owner Builds Relationships With Influential Bloggers, www.blogherald.com
Business Issues
Chrome 50 arrives with push notification improvements, drops support for old Windows and OS X versions, VentureBeat
Facebook Poaches Google’s Regina Dugan and Bets Big on Creating Devices, www.adweek.com
Updated Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) Enhances Privacy Protections for Millions of Americans, yahoopolicy.tumblr.com
Content Marketing
3 Content Marketing Takeaways From American Express, contently.com
4 Top Visual Content Methods For Engagement, www.searchenginepeople.com
7 Content Marketing Secrets to Increase Organic Traffic, www.convinceandconvert.com
Digital Content Download Trends for 2016, www.marketingprofs.com
How Your Startup Can Overcome Content Marketing Challenges, www.komarketingassociates.com
Key 2016 Content Curation Trends: Are You Keeping Up?, heidicohen.com
Let Qualitative Research Inform Your Content Strategy, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Marketers Are Not Storytellers – They’re Worldbuilders, www.portent.com
User-Generated Content Landmines to Watch Out For, www.adweek.com
Why Drone Technology and Content Marketing are a Perfect Marriage, www.thesaleslion.com
Conversion Optimization
Copywriting, Design & Usability
“Super Adjectives” Boost the Power of Your Copy, www.marketingwords.com
3 Tactics That’ll Make Writing Tighter as Easy as 1-2-3, moz.com
4 Simple Website Navigation Optimization Steps, www.searchenginejournal.com
Cognitive psychology for UX: how to avoid the false consensus effect, www.usertesting.com
How to Create Better Headlines, www.copypress.com
Less Is Still More: The Importance Of The Minimalist Approach To Web Design, usabilitygeek.com
Logo Design For Responsive Websites, www.smashingmagazine.com
WordPress & Web Design Trends In 2016 To Get Excited About, www.wpexplorer.com
Gen Z are not [visiting] dot coms, domainnamewire.com
Amazon has eyeballed several hot startups for acquisition in a wider fashion push, techcrunch.com
Online Retailers Need to Balance New, Old Customers to Thrive, www.cmswire.com
Online sales are the one growth area for many retail chains, www.internetretailer.com
Why texting is the new e-commerce, www.internetretailer.com
Email Marketing
5 things you should know about email verification, myemma.com
According to 32,198 emails, most retailers use boring subject lines, econsultancy.com
Contextual Email Marketing for Fashion Apparel Retailers, blog.movableink.com
Create Original Images for Your Emails with Artworktool, blogs.constantcontact.com
General Internet Marketing
Why every brand needs to become a platform, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
3 trends driving the chatbot revolution, venturebeat.com
4 Reasons Why Marketing Automation Fails, blog.marketo.com
Marketing Automation Tools to Boost Customer Referrals, www.ducttapemarketing.com
Shopify acquires Kit CRM to bolster bot-based messaging for merchants, www.zdnet.com
Where Marketing Automation Fits in the DX Journey, www.cmswire.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
Marketers, Don’t Put Your Mobile Ad Dollars in the Wrong Place, www.martechadvisor.com
Q1 2016 sees mobile traffic increase yet transactions drop off, blog.affiliatewindow.com
Yahoo Esports Goes Mobile on Android, yahoo.tumblr.com
Social Media
10 New Facebook Features Every Marketer Should Know, blog.bufferapp.com
3 Social Image Tools That Increase Exposure and Engagement, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
5 Critical Reports to Pull from Facebook’s Ads Manager, 3qdigital.com
9 Awesome Tools To Up Your Instagram Marketing Game, www.toprankblog.com
Even if We Share Less, Facebook Is Cultivating a Virtual Landscape to Retain Our Attention, www.adweek.com
Facebook courts broadcasters, publishers as stickier content push ramps up, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Facebook has a plan to speed up the internet in big cities too, qz.com
Here are the world leaders and global organizations who are embracing Snapchat, venturebeat.com
Instagram Follower Growth Rises in March, www.adweek.com
The Secret to More Effective Ads on Facebook: The Science of Testing, www.marketingprofs.com
Twitter has outsized influence, but it doesn’t drive much traffic for most news orgs, a new report says, www.niemanlab.org
Why You Should Forget About Linkedin, www.jeffbullas.com
7 Expert Tips: How to Get YouTube to Recommend Your Video, www.reelseo.com
Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality: where should brands focus?, econsultancy.com
Crossposted Videos and Total Performance Insights, media.fb.com
How Mark Zuckerberg Is Making His Weird Video Future Happen, www.fastcodesign.com
The 23 Most Awesome Instagram Videos by Brands, www.searchenginejournal.com
Using Virtual Reality For Small Business, smallbiztrends.com
Vine releases a Watch button because scrolling is too much work, techcrunch.com