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Marketing Day: Google+ Updates, Weird Al Wins The Internet & LinkedIn’s New Sponsored Con

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Google+ Launches Showcase To Show Rich Media To Viewers Of Hangouts On Air Google+ rolled out a new interactive feature for Hangouts on Air today, giving producers the ability to show viewers links to websites, videos, merchandise and other content being discussed during live events. The Showcase app displays links with rich-media cards on the right-hand side of the Hangout’s video player during the broadcast. If viewers click, […]

  2. Report: Progressive Insurance Top Mobile Advertiser Of Q2 Mobile analytics provider Adomic released a Q2 mobile advertising report. It covers a range of metrics and issues; among them, top mobile advertisers, most used ad formats and a comparison of programmatic media buying online vs. in mobile. The top mobile advertiser in the US in Q2 was Progressive Insurance. Microsoft came in at number […]

  3. Facebook’s Ad Machine Keeps Rolling; Key Q2 Metrics For Marketers To no one’s surprise, Facebook again crushed Wall Street expectations during its quarterly financial call yesterday, reporting revenue of $2.9 billion during the quarter the ended in June. The great majority — 92% — of that revenue total came from Facebook’s advertising juggernaut, an increase of 67% over the same quarter in 2013. In short […]

  4. Expedia Leverages #TBT With #ThrowMeBack to Literally Throw People Back To Their Memories Today is Throwback Thursday, the day when all of us unearth some gem from our past and share it with our friends across social media. Today is also the day when Expedia is launching its #ThrowMeBack photo contest on Instagram and Twitter. Starting today and running through September, people can post an image to Twitter […]

  5. The Weird Al Yankovic Social Media Case Study Weird Al Owns Social Media Content creators, social media strategists and PR professionals should fall to the feet of Weird Al and lap up his creative genius. What Yankovic pulled off this past week in the world of content publishing was amazing. His 14th (yes, fourteenth!) studio album, Mandatory Fun, was released on July 15th, 2014. […]

  6. SMX East Super Early Bird Rates Expire Friday – Last Chance to Register & Save $300! Time is running out! SMX East Super Early Bird rates – the lowest offered – expire end of day Friday, July 25th. Register now for an All Access pass. Here’s what you get: Exceptional content: 3 days featuring 60+ tactic-packed sessions that will help you build site traffic, grow sales, boost your ROI and acquire […]

  7. LinkedIn Launches Direct Sponsored Content, Enables Testing With “Dark Posts” Today, LinkedIn launched a “dark” version of its Sponsored Updates ad product called Direct Sponsored Content. These new native-style ads don’t get published to a company’s LinkedIn page, so advertisers can customize and test ad messaging and creatives to targeted audiences. LinkedIn isn’t the first social network to enable testing through posts that aren’t published […]

  8. Does Mobile Advertising Work? We’ve all heard for several years that the effectiveness of advertising — print, television, radio and even digital — is suffering from the law of diminishing returns. While there is some truth to that phenomenon, advertising in all forms is far from dead. In fact, since 1926 (with the exception of a dip during World War […]

  9. Turtle Wax Mines Social Media Gold With #Reflectie Contest There aren’t many consumer products that inspire more adoration than cars. We love them, pamper them, polish them and show them off to our friends. There’s a reason the 1975 lyrics by Queen’s drummer Roger Taylor — “I’m in love with my car, gotta feel for my automobile” — tongue in cheek though they were, […]

  10. 2 Questions That Will Make You A Statistically Significant Marketer Yay, statistics! If you run any portion of an online marketing program, you better still be reading. Marketers who don’t embrace the porcupine of statistics over the next couple of years run the risk of becoming insignificant. If you’re still reading, I’m about to put your career or business on the fast track to statistical […]

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