Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Advanced Google Shopping: Is price a proxy for Quality Score in product ads? Aug 9, 2016 by Andreas Reiffen Columnist Andreas Reiffen shares insights about price sensitivity and user behavior in Google Shopping, based on an analysis of 15,000 conversions across the German, UK and US markets.
So we have 45 more characters in AdWords text ads… Now what? Aug 9, 2016 by Pauline Jakober Expanded text ads recently went live in AdWords, so what’s the next step? Columnist Pauline Jakober explains how to strategically expand on your existing text ads when making the transition.
Facebook is blocking ad blockers on desktop, but not on mobile Aug 9, 2016 by Tim Peterson People can no longer block ads on Facebook’s desktop site, but they can block brands from using customer lists to target them with ads on Facebook.
Twitter will open its storytelling product, Moments, to everyone Aug 9, 2016 by Tim Peterson Twitter Moments can be and should be more like an open version of Snapchat’s Live Stories than another copy of Stories.
The growing appeal of responsive-aware email design Aug 9, 2016 by Chad White Many brands are utilizing responsive design for their email marketing, but the production costs and skills needed to create fully responsive emails can sometimes be prohibitive. In these cases, columnist Chad White recommends responsive-aware design.
The FTC disclosure guidelines: An in-depth exploration of what affiliates and merchants need to know Aug 9, 2016 by Rae Hoffman Confused about how the FTC’s disclosure guidelines affect affiliate marketers and merchants? Columnist Rae Hoffman gives you a rundown of what the rules mean for you.
Facebook tests streaming videos to TV using Apple’s AirPlay, Google’s Chromecast Aug 8, 2016 by Tim Peterson People can stream Facebook videos, including Live streams, to their TVs, which turns Facebook’s app into a legitimate second screen.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Google My Business Insights updates analytics while dropping Google+ source data
FTC sues 1-800 Contacts over reciprocal, ‘anti-competitive’ PPC bidding agreements
Google Now testing “Explore Interests” feature to make personal assistant app more personalized
Here’s an AdWords script to apply shared campaign negative lists everywhere
Google Maps adds “Wi-fi only” feature & ability to save areas to SD card
Google Search Console sending AMP notifications to encourage adoption
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
As ABM Matures, Data Takes Center Stage, www.martechadvisor.com
Data and Analytics: Three Key Steps to Successful Business Decisions, www.marketingprofs.com
Blogs & Blogging
5 blogging tips for your web shop, yoast.com
Best Commenting Solutions for WordPress, www.wpexplorer.com
Five Crucial Elements of a Great Blog Post, www.marketingprofs.com
How I Got a Book Deal Through My Travel Blog, www.problogger.net
Business Issues
Randstad to Buy Monster Worldwide for $429 Million, www.wsj.com
Tim Cook On Apple’s Values, Mistakes, And Seeing Around Corners, www.fastcompany.com
Twitter Subletting Quarter of San Francisco Headquarters, adage.com
Content Marketing
10 Ways to Use Charts to Tell Better Stories, contently.com
3 Cutting-Edge Content Marketing Trends From Top Luxury Brands, contently.com
How to Build a Content Marketing Practice in a Year: Lessons from Monster, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Conversion Optimization
10 CRO Truth Bombs That Will Change the Way You Think, moz.com
5 Overrated & Dangerous Conversion Tactics (and How to Think About Them), blog.crazyegg.com
How Tweaking Your Microcopy Can Instantly Boost Your Conversions, blog.kissmetrics.com
Supercharge Your B2B Conversions with White Papers, smallbiztrends.com
Your Landing Page Has To Be Dedicated, www.ppchero.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
‘Ideas are nipped to death’: Confessions of a black copywriter, digiday.com
3 Myths About The Future Of UX, www.fastcodesign.com
5 common mistakes in chatbot design, venturebeat.com
9 Dos and Don’ts for Writing Compelling, Clickable Headlines, www.toprankblog.com
Developers “Own” The Code, So Shouldn’t Designers “Own” The Experience?, www.smashingmagazine.com
How To Find Work As A UX Freelancer, usabilitygeek.com
Practical UX Design, www.uxmatters.com
The Power of Excellent Design, www.webinknow.com
5 Buy Online, Pick Up In-Store Platforms for Retailers, streetfightmag.com
Alibaba Sees Growth in Advertising, Ecommerce Business, www.emarketer.com
Can Jet.com (Finally) Get Walmart’s E-Commerce Ops Moving?, www.cmswire.com
eBay App Adds One Time Password, Touch ID, Android Wear Support, www.adweek.com
eBay hires a former Apple exec to head B2C, www.internetretailer.com
For Holiday Ecommerce Fulfillment, Success Starts in August, www.practicalecommerce.com
Global high-end brands increasingly sell online in China, www.internetretailer.com
How Wal-Mart’s Jet acquisition will affect marketplace sellers, www.internetretailer.com
Keep your e-commerce team inspired during the holiday season, www.internetretailer.com
New ranking reveals Russia’s top e-commerce sites, russiansearchmarketing.com
Email Marketing
5 Simple Touches that Deliver a Warm Welcome to New Email Subscribers, www.copyblogger.com
Political Email Marketing: How the Candidates Have Used Email So Far, movableink.com
General Internet Marketing
10 Ways Brands Are Talking About the Olympics Without Saying “Olympics”, www.adweek.com
4 Steps to Creating Effective Buyer Personas, www.thunderactive.com
An Essential Guide for All Businesses Wanting to Initiate an ABM Strategy for the First Time, www.martechadvisor.com
Follow the Millennials: The Driving Force Behind Changes to SMB Marketing, www.adweek.com
How great marketing can change the world, myemma.com
Laughter Is Contagious: Use Humor to Make Your Brand Go Viral, smallbiztrends.com
The Field Marketer’s Pocket Dictionary: 7 Terms You Need to Know, blog.marketo.com
Internet Marketing Industry
1,450-Plus PetSmart Locations Turn to Mood Media’s Music Solutions to Dazzle Pets, Parents Alike, www.businesswire.com
Enterprise Marketing Survey 2016, clutch.co
Ex-Microsoft and IDG Video Lead Joins Vibrant Media as VP Sales, East, www.vibrantmedia.com
Infor Launches Exclusive Deal for Current Aprimo Customers, www.infor.com
Madison Logic, the Global Leader in Account Based Marketing, Expands Activate ABM to Include Groundbreaking Measurement and Attribution Analytics, www.marketwired.com
Say Hello to Social Listening by Simply Measured, simplymeasured.com
Videotel Digital Announces Partnership with Turtle Beach to Offer Hypersound Directional Speakers with Their Interactive Solutions, www.prweb.com
5 reasons chatbots will revolutionize the way we do business, venturebeat.com
Adventures in Botsitting, adage.com
How AI Brings a Human Touch to Your Marketing Automation, www.cmswire.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
Building engaging and secure mobile apps, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
How CNN juggles different mobile chat apps to cover the Olympics, digiday.com
Pokemarketing: How App Marketers Can Replicate the Success of Pokemon Go, www.tune.com
Pros & Cons of Mobile Campaign Segmentation, 3qdigital.com
Tips for Effectively Geotargeting Your Subscribers, www.marketingprofs.com
Other Items
Inbox by Gmail: Evolving the inbox to save you time, gmail.googleblog.com
Social Media
10 Creative Brands Making Instagram Stories Now, simplymeasured.com
16 Free Tools for Facebook Marketing, www.practicalecommerce.com
5 New Sites that Evolve the Concepts of Reddit, www.internetmarketingninjas.com
A day in the life of… Head of EMEA Insights at LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, econsultancy.com
Checklist for Outsourcing Your Social Media Efforts, www.portent.com
Facebook Ads: The Complete, Always-Updated Guide, blog.bufferapp.com
How Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram Are Reinventing Niche Marketing, www.adweek.com
How Social Media Can Lead the Voice of Customer Initiatives, www.convinceandconvert.com
How to Get Your Business on Snapchat in Four Steps, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
How to Improve Brand Awareness with Snapchat, www.copypress.com
How to Manage Your Facebook Ad Frequency, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Instagram is testing a “Save Draft” feature, techcrunch.com
Instagram Marketing: It’s Time Your Business Takes Action, www.searchenginejournal.com
P&G to Scale Back Targeted Facebook Ads, www.wsj.com
Pinterest For Marketing, www.searchenginepeople.com
What’s the Deal with Snapchat Memories?, www.socialmediaexplorer.com
Why mobile Facebook ads are key for apparel maker Betabrand, www.internetretailer.com