Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Calculating the value of organic traffic Mar 14, 2016 by Clay Cazier Need another way to express the value of SEO? Columnist Clay Cazier details a way to assign value that a PPC-minded manager will appreciate.
How to amplify your already spectacular SEO to be super-crazy successful Mar 14, 2016 by Stoney deGeyter You’ve done everything right with your SEO, but you’re still not getting the results you want — what gives? Columnist Stoney deGeyter discusses the ways amplification can help take your SEO efforts to the next level.
Handling negative reviews: an interview with Jay Baer Mar 14, 2016 by Brian Patterson Columnist Brian Patterson interviews New York Times and Amazon best selling author Jay Baer on how businesses and marketers can approach negative reviews.
“B2B Marketing Automation Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide” updated for 2016 Mar 14, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot The 4th Edition of Marketing Land’s “B2B Marketing Automation Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide” examines the market for B2B marketing automation software platforms and the considerations involved in implementing this software into your business.
App streaming comes to Google search ads: Android users can try out apps for 10 minutes Mar 14, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Google introduced Search Trial Ads and other new features for Android developers at the Game Developers Conference.
How “customer obsession” can focus your marketing tech selections Mar 14, 2016 by Barry Levine McKesson exec Rohit Prabhakar’s personal experience gives an added meaning to “customer life cycle.”
Make new friends, but keep the old: 3 opportunities for uncovering revenue from your existing customers Mar 14, 2016 by Jordan Elkind How do you build on the value of your existing customers? Columnist Jordan Elkind says that by segmenting your customers and using the right tools, you can gain valuable insights.
The “social iceberg”: The data on 1:1 marketing may surprise you Mar 14, 2016 by Chris Kerns Columnist Chris Kerns delves into data showing that while the tip of the social media iceberg involves a brand’s entire audience, the bulk of it is made up of one-on-one conversations with individuals.
Google fails in bid to overturn Russian “no default Android apps” ruling Mar 14, 2016 by Greg Sterling The Moscow Arbitration Court upheld the competition regulator’s decision, but Google can appeal.
How to create your own digital newsroom Mar 14, 2016 by Andrew Ruegger Looking to create a way to effectively monitor real-time news in your industry? Columnist Andrew Ruegger shows you how to consolidate real-time information on publishers, publications and social trends to bring you the insights you need.
Customer Service 101: Three things you can do today to win over your customers Mar 14, 2016 by Steve Olenski How do you maintain long-term customer relationships? Columnist Steve Olenski outlines his top three tips for improving your customer service.
Consumers shape new world of search advertising Mar 14, 2016 by Sponsored Content: Bing Ads Since Bing entered the search space just over six years ago, the landscape has transformed, technology has advanced, and the changes are only accelerating. In a time of limitless expectations and technology, consumers are continuing to reshape the search landscape as they look at devices and services to help them do and achieve more.
MarTech Landscape: What is a supply-side platform (SSP)? Mar 11, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Learn how supply-side platforms help publishers manage and sell their online advertising inventory.
Alliance for Audited Media launches its ad blocker detection service Mar 11, 2016 by Barry Levine Organization touts the service as the first such detection tech “from an independent, unbiased third party.”
Brand Bidding & PPC Optimization: Partner Relationships (Part 4 of 8) Mar 11, 2016 by Lori Weiman In this installment of her multi-part series on brand bidding, columnist Lori Weiman discusses how to use strategic partnerships to increase paid search performance.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Checklist for Analyzing Website Test Results, www.lunametrics.com
Don’t Measure Trust. Measure Use, www.cmswire.com
Forrester Names 4 Customer Analytics Leaders, www.cmswire.com
The Problem With Marketing Dashboards: Pure Data Visualization Is Rarely Successful, www.marketingprofs.com
Blogs & Blogging
5 Ways to Creatively Brainstorm Guest Post Ideas, www.problogger.net
6 Essential WordPress Plugins, www.ducttapemarketing.com
Business Issues
Content Marketing
Conversion Optimization
How to Build a Content Conversion Funnel, www.razorsocial.com
Why B2B Marketers Still Struggle to Convert Leads, blog.kissmetrics.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Our 8 Best Ad Copywriting Tips EVER!, www.wordstream.com
How new domains are building better brands, techcrunch.com
20 Helpful Plugins for a WordPress Blog, for Ecommerce, www.practicalecommerce.com
5 strategies to beat Amazon, www.internetretailer.com
Ecommerce Trends 2016, www.blogherald.com
The big opportunity selling online to millennials around the world, www.internetretailer.com
Why the New Crop of E-commerce Brands Should Really Scare Traditional Retailers, www.adweek.com
Email Marketing
17 B2B Email Marketing Examples, Samples and Templates, www.superoffice.com
6 Ecommerce Email Marketing Campaigns for Q2 2016, www.practicalecommerce.com
General Internet Marketing
Growing Importance of Influencer Marketing, and How to Select the Right Influencer, www.martechadvisor.com
Step Up Your Online Marketing Efforts with These 10 Tips, smallbiztrends.com
What’s Topping Marketing Managers’ 2016 Wish Lists?, www.emarketer.com
5 Tools For Brands Looking To Harness Predictive Social Intelligence, streetfightmag.com
Marketing and engineering roles dominate the tech industry, but that’s all they have in common, venturebeat.com
The Predictive Power of Three: Discovery, Scoring and Enrichment in B2B Sales and Marketing, www.martechadvisor.com
These 4 Projects Are Helping Gatorade Bolster Its Brand With Technology, www.adweek.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
3 lessons for mobile sites from the 2015 holiday season, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Apple’s Phil Schiller promises to address the issue of spammy apps being featured in the App Store, techcrunch.com
Facebook Mobile Apps: A Guide for Marketers, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
It’s Valuable, But Is It Accurate? LBMA Report Shines Light On Marketers’ Location Data Issues, streetfightmag.com
Taco Bell’s Mobile Ads Are Highly Targeted to Make Users Crave Its Breakfast Menu, www.adweek.com
The Second Smartphone Revolution, avc.com
Why Facebook Canvas Could Be the Best Thing for Mobile, adage.com
Social Media
2016 Pinterest Trends – What’s Next This Year?, smallbiztrends.com
3 Tried-and-True Tactics for Brands Competing in LinkedIn’s Newsfeed, simplymeasured.com
5 questions with Facebook’s head of Hollywood marketing magic, digiday.com
5 Reasons Why You’re Losing Twitter Followers – And What To Do About It, www.adweek.com
7 Best Practices For Using Hashtags, www.searchenginepeople.com
Dove and Twitter Built a Tool to Measure How Positive or Negative Your Tweets Are, www.adweek.com
Facebook’s Monika Bickert: More Than 1 Million User Violations Reported Daily, www.adweek.com
How the Pros Get Leads from Social Media, blog.bufferapp.com
Is Your Social Media Content as Popular as You Think?, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Snapchat has a secret team possibly building a pair of smart glasses, techcrunch.com
Snapchat’s Sponsored Geofilters Are Zeroing in on SXSW Attendees for the First Time, www.adweek.com
Three Huge Mistakes You’re Committing in Your Social Content, www.marketingprofs.com
Twitter can predict hurricane damage as well as emergency agencies, www.sciencemag.org
Brands Love Virtual Reality’s Potential But Want the Medium to Become More Accessible, www.adweek.com
Free Youtube Video End Card Templates & Tools: The Easiest Way to Add Clickable End Cards, www.internetmarketingninjas.com
How to Grow Your Periscope Audience With Twitter, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
No, Marketers, Not All Video is Created Equal, www.reelseo.com
Seven tips for driving an emotional response to video marketing, econsultancy.com
Some Adblock Plus users are reporting problems with YouTube, digiday.com
Ten Rules of Etiquette for Videoconferencing, www.wsj.com
The Daily Beast launches two Facebook live video series, digiday.com