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Marketing Day: Google’s Legal Issues, BMW’s Flashmob & Yelp Beats Expectations

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. The @NBA: First Pro Sports League To Promote Twitter On Official Game Ball It’s no secret that the National Basketball Association loves Twitter, and Twitter loves the NBA. Consider the fact that, in this era where the National Football League is seen as the dominant sports league in the US, @NBA’s 10.8 million Twitter followers is more than 50 percent better than the @NFL’s seven million followers. It’s […]

  2. Google Faces Thai Criminal Case For Not Shutting Down Blogger Google’s founders, Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt and its entire board have been named as criminal defendants in a case in Thailand. The case arises under that country’s “Computer Crimes Act.” David Hanks and Brian Goudie filed the criminal complaint after Google was non-responsive to requests to remove defamatory material from a blog hosted by the […]

  3. EU Readying New Android Antitrust Complaint Against Google According to a Reuters article, which is consistent with earlier news reports, European competition authorities are laying the foundation for a new antitrust case against Google focusing on Android. It appears partly designed to appease European critics who believe that the proposed “rival links” PC search settlement lets Google off too easily. That settlement hasn’t […]

  4. 5 Simple Steps For Defining Uber-KPIs For Multiple Objectives Nowadays, marketing channels no longer map easily to a single objective. Display continues to evolve on all fronts, covering everything from premium inventory to highly-focused retargeting ads. With the addition of custom audiences and FBX, Facebook is becoming viable for direct response in addition to awareness and advocacy. Now even paid search, the quintessential direct […]

  5. 3 Mobile Search Warnings Google Still Needs To Add No one applauded louder than I did when Google introduced their warning in search results for faulty redirects in June of this year, and then, warnings for Flash earlier this month. It’s definitely a step in the right direction for Google — and for searchers, who have had to endure less than usable mobile search results […]

  6. How Twitter’s Non-User UX Efforts Led To An Audience Threefold That Of Active Users On Tuesday Twitter flat out crushed expectations during their earnings call. While the big buzz was about ad revenues jumping 129%, there was some other interesting tidbits that came out about the overall audience.   During the earnings call, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo stated that the overall number of monthly active users is 271 million, up […]

  7. Collaborating To Win Marketing: Faster, Cheaper, Better Creative In just a few short years’ time, the collaborative economy has grown from novelty to formidable reality. In the collaborative economy, goods and services are shared and sourced through peer networks (usually via an online marketplace), and access trumps ownership. Collaborative platforms have disrupted business models across nearly every industry, from hotels (AirBnB), to transportation […]

  8. BMW’s #Driftmob Unleashes World’s First Vehicular Flashmob Not all epic creative has to be focused around interactivity. Sometimes epic can just be appreciated for its epic-ness. Like this Epic Driftmob feat from BMW which marries a little Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift with the flashmob trendlet of several years ago. Mic Rodgers, a director who has worked on The Fast and the […]

  9. Pinterest Tips Icebergs Via Acquisition, Service To Shut Down In A Month The popular “visual organization for creative minds” app, Icebergs, has been capsized by Pinterest through a recent acquisition. The popular tool featured a variety of plans from free to paid that gave different levels of storage and collections (or Icebergs) that were stored in a cloud based format. Bad news is that the Icebergs service […]

  10. Yelp Beats Expectations, Strikes Profitability With Q2 Revenues Of $88.8 Million Yelp has come through with a strong financial picture for the second quarter of 2014. Today, the company reported revenue growth of 61 percent year-over-year, with net revenue of $88.8 million beating analyst estimates of $86.32. The quarter marks the first time the company has been profitable since becoming public company, said Jeremy Stoppelman, […]

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  1. 5 Guaranteed Ways To Make A Mess Of Your Twitter Contest,

  2. 5 Things Machiavelli Would Do With His Competitors Twitter Profiles,

  3. A Social Media Manager’s Lens For Successful Sponsored Content,

  4. Bet you didn’t notice this tiny but revealing Facebook design change,

  5. Continuing our fight for more #transparency, Twitter Blog

  6. Facebook launches app, bringing vital data to the world,

  7. Facebook’s end goal: To be the cross-platform platform,

  8. How many of Twitter’s active users are actually human?,

  9. How to Maximize Your Mobile App Marketing with Social Media,

  10. In Social Media, the Only Guarantee is Change,

  11. LinkedIn Launches A Standalone Sales Navigator To Help Users With “Social Selling”, TechCrunch

  12. LinkedIn: How to spark more engagement with your followers,

  13. Making the Most of Facebook’s Referral Traffic,

  14. Poll Shows Americans Deeply Concerned about Online Privacy, Mistrust Social Media,

  15. Social Media Ads Cheat Sheet: Image Sizes for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & More [INFOGRAPHIC],

  16. Social Media Marketing for Small Business: The Importance of Knowing Your Audience,

  17. Social Media Strategy: How Much Time Does a Good Strategy Really Take?,

  18. Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Using Reddit,

  19. Where Does Twitter Ads Get All Those Wonderful Toys?,

  20. Why Instagram Ads Could be Huge for Facebook’s Mobile Empire,

  21. You Can Now Embed Tweets Within Tweets – is Twitter’s “Retweet With Comments” Coming Soon?,


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