Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
First-Time Super Bowl Advertiser SoFi Releases Official Super Bowl 50 Ad Jan 27, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues The 30-second spot is part of the online lender’s “Bankless World” brand awareness campaign.
Measuring Effectiveness Of Branded Video Content Jan 27, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot While video content helps engage consumers and lead them through conversion, video also impacts the perception of your brand. Understanding how your prospects and customers see your brand is a game-changer for your marketing strategy and tactics.
Google’s AI Breakthrough: Machine Beats Human Go Player For First Time Jan 27, 2016 by Greg Sterling Google has invested a great deal in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Today, the company is showing off an AI milestone. Google says a program created by DeepMind called AlphaGo has done what nobody has done before: beaten a professional.
Find Your Technology-Powered Solutions At MarTech. See Who’s Exhibiting. Jan 27, 2016 by Marketing Land Join us at MarTech, where marketing meets IT. The strategy-packed agenda is only part of what makes MarTech an exceptional conference. The expo hall is packed with leading industry vendors waiting to provide you with the next tool or solution. Pass options are available. Register today!
New Google Research: Can The Long Tail Be Covered Without Broad Match? Jan 27, 2016 by Matt Lawson Wondering about the benefits of using broad match? Columnist and Googler Matt Lawson got his hands on real Google data to put the debate to rest.
Preserve Your Content Ecosystem By Fixing Link Rot Jan 27, 2016 by Garrett French Columnist Garrett French notes that in many verticals, content resources have gone missing over the years. That’s where you come in.
Frisco, Texas Ranks As Most Mobile-Friendly City In America, According To Study Jan 27, 2016 by Greg Sterling Patterson, New Jersey named as the least mobile-ready city at the other end.
PPC Blunders: Downright Dirty, Inexperienced Or Overwhelmed? Jan 27, 2016 by Pauline Jakober Have you ever inherited a PPC account so poorly managed it made you scratch your head in confusion? Columnist Pauline Jakober shares her stories and tries to guess the underlying motive.
Versium Launches Self-Service Predictive Lead Scoring With Automated Modeling Jan 27, 2016 by Barry Levine Redmond, Washington-based company says this service, utilizing its own billion-attributes consumer data layer, is the first of its kind.
Amazon’s First-Ever Super Bowl Ad Will Promote Echo With Help From Alec Baldwin Jan 27, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues In a teaser ad starring Baldwin and NFL veteran Dan Marino, Amazon shows how easy party planning is using its Echo device.
How Social Media Data Can Guide You Through The Advertising Odyssey Jan 27, 2016 by John Donnelly III Are you tapping into the treasure trove of social media data? Columnist John Donnelly III explains why social media insights can help you learn more about your audience and improve your overall campaign.
Super Bowl 50 Advertisers: These Brands Are Ready To Play The Commercial Game Jan 27, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues See which brands will be airing ads on the most-watched sports night of the year, along with their campaigns, teaser ads and more.
The Evolution Of Digital Marketing And Changing Customer Expectations Jan 27, 2016 by Scott Rayden It’s time to scrap outdated strategies. Columnist Scott Rayden explains why marketers need to shift their perspective and make the customer journey more engaging.
AdStage Launches “Automate” To Power PPC Automation Across Search And Social Ad Networks Jan 27, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Advertisers will be able to set bulk rules to optimize campaigns across Google, Bing, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
Attribution: What’s Next In 2016? Jan 27, 2016 by Eric Dezendorf Where is attribution headed in 2016? Columnist Eric Dezendorf describes upcoming innovations that could take your marketing to the next level.
Study: Instagram Ads Saw Massive Demand In 2015, Thanks In Part To Video Surge Jan 27, 2016 by Greg Finn 2015 was the year of the ad on Instagram. Brand Networks released a report breaking down costs across verticals, popularity of ad types and much more.
Several Brands Will Be Advertising On Snapchat During The Super Bowl Jan 26, 2016 by Matt McGee Snapchat’s first sponsored Super Bowl Live Story will reportedly include Amazon, Marriott, Pepsi and Budweiser.
New Report: Marketing Automation Held Back By Budget, Data Management And Lack of Time Jan 26, 2016 by Barry Levine Based on survey responses from 400 US-based marketing and sales professionals, the report indicates that ease of use and quality of tools aren’t the biggest obstacles.
Henkel Cleaning Brand Persil ProClean Ad To Debut During Super Bowl 50 Jan 26, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues Only available to US consumers since 2015, the laundry detergent has released a 15-second spot teasing its upcoming Super Bowl ad.
Apple Reports Biggest Quarter Ever: $75.9 Billion Revenue, 74.8 Million iPhones Sold Jan 26, 2016 by Greg Sterling Apple’s fiscal first quarter earnings are out. And despite Apple’s claim that it’s the “biggest quarter ever,” the massive revenue numbers represent a slight miss.
3 Steps To Choosing The Right Marketing Automation For Your Agency Jan 26, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot What does it take to find the right marketing automation solution for your agency? A good platform helps marketing agencies be more effective. A great platform can do much more — increase efficiency, improve intelligence, expand your reach, enable targeted real-time action, and most of all, create a key competitive advantage for your agency.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
Are You Making the Most of the Amazon Affiliates Program?, www.problogger.net
Microsoft: Improving Customer Experience Analytics, www.cmswire.com
The Hierarchy of Metrics, www.ducttapemarketing.com
Blogs & Blogging
5 Growth Hacks to Help You Grow Your Blog Business, www.jeffbullas.com
Blogging 101: 5 Unique Ideas for a New Blog Post, www.searchenginejournal.com
How to Create High-Quality Blog Graphics, www.searchenginepeople.com
Managing a growing blog, yoast.com
Medium now lets publishers schedule posts, link Twitter accounts to publications, venturebeat.com
Business Issues
Apple plans to offer subscription content through News app, Reuters
Google files patent for drone ‘delivery receptacle’, www.reuters.com
San Jose signs off on massive new Apple development, appleinsider.com
Twitter Eyeing Apple Veteran for Top Communications Job, recode.net
Twitter’s Kevin Weil Joins Instagram, recode.net
Content Marketing
Add Jaw-Dropping, Interactive Visuals to Your Content: 5 Tools to Help, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Additive and Divisible Content: The Trick That’ll Double Your Content Success, contently.com
Content Uberization: Sharing Economy Meets Content, heidicohen.com
Four Content Marketing Investments to Make This Year, www.marketingprofs.com
Manufacturing Serendipity: How to Create Content that Captivates Your Audience, moz.com
The Benefits of Organic & Paid Content Promotion, www.toprankblog.com
The Best Writing Apps, Tools & Books to Improve Your Content Marketing, www.thesaleslion.com
Conversion Optimization
How to Conversion Rate Optimize Your Management Style, blog.crazyegg.com
Lead Conversations to Replace Lead Funnels, www.ducttapemarketing.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
7 User Interface Guidelines For Designing Watch Apps, usabilitygeek.com
Confessions of a junior copywriter, digiday.com
Graphic design rules for everyone, from an unlikely expert, qz.com
Site speed: tools and suggestions, yoast.com
Facebook Buys Domain Name NewsFeed.com, dotweekly.com
ICANN tests emergency registry with dead dot-brand, domainincite.com
10 Ways to Take Your Ecommerce Blog to the Next Level, www.blogherald.com
20 Secrets for the Best eCommerce Pricing, smallbiztrends.com
6 Content Marketing Tactics for Ecommerce Merchants, www.practicalecommerce.com
Amazon shuts down speculation of PayPal partnership, www.retaildive.com
Free Shipping Alone Isn’t Enough: Online Retailers Go for Speed, www.wsj.com
Nine startups that could revolutionise your ecommerce efforts, econsultancy.com
Optimizing the Customer Journey: Tips from Ecommerce Experts, company-enterprise.myshopify.com
U.S. Retailers Not Fully Meeting Consumers’ Ecommerce Fulfillment Demands, multichannelmerchant.com
Email Marketing
7 Tips for a Well-Designed Email Newsletter, www.verticalresponse.com
Planning Your Newsletter Editorial Calendar, blog.movableink.com
The Beginner’s Guide to Email Segmentation & Personalization, conversionxl.com
General Internet Marketing
What Star Wars Teaches Us About Agile Marketing, www.marketergizmo.com
Why Awesome Influencer Campaigns Combine Many Kinds of Marketing, www.convinceandconvert.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Branch Raises $35 Million to Fix Mobile Discovery With Deep Links, blog.branch.io
Cedexis Lands $22 Million in Financing to Promote Global Growth, www.cedexis.com
The Hero’s Journey: Finding Inspiration to Author Brand Stories, www.convinceandconvert.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
Ride-Sharing Apps Test Tracking of Drivers, Wall Street Journal
3 trends that will define mobile retail marketing in 2016, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
A faster, more stable Chrome on iOS, blog.chromium.org
Collaborating on mobile has never been easier, googleforwork.blogspot.com
Fastest Growing Android Apps in Q4 2015: Games, Photography, Shopping, www.adweek.com
How Often (and Why) Consumers Delete Mobile Apps From Their Phones, www.marketingprofs.com
Marketers Face Mobile Advertising Challenges, www.emarketer.com
The 411 on Small Business Mobile Apps, www.verticalresponse.com
Social Media
3 Soon-to-be-Everywhere Social Media Trends You Can Profit on in 2016, blog.bufferapp.com
Behold the Awesome Power of Facebook Custom Audiences, www.wordstream.com
Changing the Twitter Conversation, www.bloomberg.com
Facebook Lead Ads: Good Keeps Getting Better, www.clixmarketing.com
How BBC News Reach Audiences On Social Media, blog.newswhip.com
How Facebook Page Admins Should Deal With Negative Comments, www.adweek.com
How Facebook Squashed Twitter, stratechery.com
How to Track Conversions with the New Facebook Pixel, www.searchenginejournal.com
Inside Facebook’s Decision to Blow Up the Like Button, www.bloomberg.com
LinkedIn and StumbleUpon Referrals Drive Highest Order Values, www.adweek.com
Retailers: Twitter is the “left-behind platform”, digiday.com
The 2016 Facebook Awards is Now Accepting Entries, www.facebook.com
The 5-Minute Social Media Competitive Analysis, www.searchenginejournal.com
Twitter on Twitter: Learn more about today’s updates, twitter.com
What Facebook’s New Audience Optimization Means for Your Brand, simplymeasured.com
(Un)folding a virtual journey with Google Cardboard, googleblog.blogspot.com
Create a Buzz with Your Target Audience with Timely Video Content, www.reelseo.com
How to Grow Your YouTube Channel, simplymeasured.com
Videology Diversifies Viewable Video Delivery Options, adexchanger.com