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Marketing Day: Google Diversity, Facebook Down & Bing Not Going Away

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. And FreeWeel Will Power ABC’s Programmatic Pilot In a move to automate the buying and selling process of premium digital TV ad inventory, AOL’s and Comcast’s FreeWheel announced a new partnership today.’s demand-side platform (DSP) will power the buying side of the programmatic pilot that ABC announced during its TV Upfront this spring. The DSP will integrate with FreeWheel’s Fourfronts […]

  2. Facebook Suffers Outage For Some: Your ‘Account Temporarily Unavailable’ Facebook was inaccessible for some users this afternoon starting at about 3:10 p.m. Eastern when they saw an error message that said: “Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again in a few minutes.” The outage also hit Facebook’s developers site — […]

  3. Nadella Interview: Bing To Stay, ‘Post-PC’ Now The Way Several days ago, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella gave his first in-depth interview at the Code Conference. He spoke about a wide range of issues and challenges that Microsoft faces. He also helped demo some impressive machine translation software (integrated into Skype). Among the striking things Nadella said was that Microsoft had entered the “post-PC era.” […]

  4. Nielsen: Cross-Channel Campaigns Aren’t Living Up To Their Potential A new Nielsen study suggests that integrated ad campaigns that incorporate exposures on both TV and online aren’t delivering any better results than when TV and digital campaigns are planned separately. The weakness, according to the study, lies in planning for online. Online and mobile video viewing numbers are relatively small now, but as the […]

  5. 8 Reasons Why You Should Register Now for MarTech: The Marketing Tech Conference Summer’s unofficially begun. That means August and MarTech: The Marketing Tech Conference are right around the corner. Here are 8 reasons to register today: 1) Actionable program. MarTech sessions will help you: Maximize the value of your marketing technology investment Implement a marketing culture that is responsive, agile and drives business success Recruit and develop […]

  6. Android To Hit 80 Percent Market Share This Year — Report Smartphone growth continues according to the latest “shipments share” numbers from IDC. The firm anticipates Android will reach 80 percent global market share this year but decline to roughly 77 percent in four years largely because of Windows Phone growth. The iPhone remains strong in developed markets and weak in developing markets where the handset […]

  7. Google Publishes Less Than Stellar Workforce Diversity Stats, Admits “We’re Not Where We Want To Be” Trying to be part of the solution versus being part of the problem, Google has started a conversation on diversity in the workplace by publishing its own lackluster workforce gender and ethnicity statistics. According to Google’s findings, female employees make up only 30 percent of the company’s overall staff. When reviewing employee ethnicity, only two […]

  8. Rakuten Marketing Acquires Attribution Firm DC Storm Today, Rakuten Marketing announced it has acquired UK-based marketing attribution firm DC Storm. DC Storm brings an attribution, measurement and reporting platform and analytics tools to Rakuten’s cadre of digital advertising services. Attribution technology is designed to help marketers understand what how particular ad formats and channels contribute to sales. Attribution platforms typically allow marketing […]

  9. Is It The Site, Or Is It The Analytics? Debugging Google Analytics As I’ve said in previous columns, marketers can no longer rely on their communication skills alone to get the job done. They must become scientists of a sort, skilled at measuring and reporting on their digital properties. The tools now exist to help us learn so much about our visitors. But, to paraphrase a famous […]

  10. How To Create Memorable Mobile Video Content: Tips From 3 Pros It probably won’t surprise you that a majority of the usage on today’s popular social platforms is via a mobile device. In fact, of the big six (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest), only Tumblr (54%) and LinkedIn (74%) have more desktop usage than mobile (source: Wall Street Journal). A statistic that may surprise you, […]

  11. Toyota Puts Children’s Art In Motion With Dream Car Of The Day Campaign On Vine Toyota prides itself for next-generation thinking. So it’s no surprise that the car company that brought the hybrid automobile to the masses has turned to children for a creative marketing campaign. Kids draw the darndest things? They do, indeed. And since 2004 when Toyota started its annual Dream Car Art Contest, youngsters from around the […]

  12. Is It Over? Nike, Samsung & Castrol Are Already Dominating World Cup-Related Social Video Soccer’s World Cup is still two weeks away, but several brands have already built a commanding lead in the competition to cash in on the most popular sporting event on Earth. Nike, Samsung and Castrol are dominating the social video playing field, according to a report by video metrics firm Unruly, which ranked brands by […]

  13. #AskChevron Is Trending On Twitter, But Chevron Isn’t Answering #AskChevron is trending on Twitter, but if you think it was part of a Chevron promotional campaign related to the company’s annual shareholders meeting today in Midland, Texas — think again. The hashtag, promoted and parked atop Twitter’s worldwide trend widget for most of the day, wasn’t a Chevron creation. It was created by an environmental […]

  14. Samsung Shows How Devices And Data Will Give Birth To “Personal Health Optimization” We’re used to hearing about new devices from Samsung. But today, the Korean company was in San Francisco to preview something slightly different: a major new digital health push. Called “The Samsung Digital Health Initiative,” it’s a mix of hardware, software and partnerships. Samsung promises that it will “accelerate the development of advanced sensors, algorithms, […]

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