Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Google: AMP content coming soon to organic mobile search results Aug 2, 2016 by Greg Sterling Despite faster loading and better performance, Google says there won’t be a ranking boost.
LinkedIn cautiously brings video to its feed Aug 2, 2016 by Matt McGee LinkedIn users will start seeing 30-second clips in their feed, but only from hand-selected LinkedIn Influencers.
Take the guesswork out of marketing automation technology Aug 2, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot More marketers are implementing marketing automation to maximize the value of their data, improve engagements, and effectively measure effectiveness. While automation technology also helps companies become more data-driven to improve accountability, it can be challenging to understand how to make the most of its functionality.
App Annie adds Marketing Intelligence to her lineup Aug 2, 2016 by Barry Levine New report brings data on marketing and in-app ads to company’s existing reports on app stores, usage, and audiences.
How does Google’s local algorithm work in 2016? Aug 2, 2016 by Andrew Shotland Columnist Andrew Shotland shares insights gleaned from a large-scale statistical analysis of local search ranking factors in Google.
Is “SEO” the right term anymore? Aug 2, 2016 by Winston Burton Columnist Winston Burton discusses how search engine optimization (SEO) has evolved over time and wonders whether the job title is truly representative of the work we now do.
Instagram Stories is latest example of Facebook Inc. copying Snapchat Aug 2, 2016 by Tim Peterson Instagram copying Snapchat’s Story product isn’t an imaginative move, but it’s a smart attempt to make its rival less unique.
Facebook tests monetizing live video with mid-roll ads Aug 2, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg Facebook is rolling out mid-roll ads for long live broadcasts.
Adgorithms launches expanded version of “world’s first self-driven marketing/ad platform” Aug 2, 2016 by Barry Levine Albert 2.0 offers more channels and capabilities for ads and emails than its earlier self.
3 digital marketing trends the customer-centric CMO must prepare for now Aug 2, 2016 by Mike Sands Rather than fearing the rapid changes afoot in digital marketing, columnist Mike Sands urges you to embrace them as opportunities. Find out how to position yourself to take advantage of these powerful trends.
Apple owns the tablet market, but Amazon is the growth leader Aug 2, 2016 by Greg Sterling Amazon’s devices posted more than 1,200-percent growth year over year.
The crazy-effective 12-month digital marketing campaign schedule Aug 2, 2016 by Stoney deGeyter Getting long-lasting results in digital marketing takes time. Columnist Stoney DeGeyter outlines his own successful process for an ongoing year-long commitment.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Unmetric Adds Facebook Reach and Impressions Data to Social Media Analytics Product, www.martechadvisor.com
Using Intranet Analytics? Here’s Where You Might Be Going Wrong, www.cmswire.com
Why Marketers Should Embrace Predictive Analytics, www.cmswire.com
Blogs & Blogging
79 Power Words to Create Striking Content For Your Blog, www.jeffbullas.com
Cloud Hosting vs. Traditional Hosting: Why Hosting Your Blog in the Cloud Is Better, www.blogherald.com
How to Find Blog Post Ideas That People Can’t Wait to Read, www.problogger.net
Business Issues
Medium acquires rich media embedding API platform Embedly, venturebeat.com
Twitter’s Communications Boss Leaves Company, www.buzzfeed.com
Content Marketing
3 Smart Moves that Supercharge Sales Funnels with Content, www.copyblogger.com
5 Tips for Incorporating Infographics Into Your Marketing Strategy, www.searchenginejournal.com
Sample These 45+ Content Tools to Create, Curate, and Measure, contentmarketinginstitute.com
The State of Native Advertising, yahooadvertising.tumblr.com
Want to Use Humor Tastefully in Your Content Marketing Plan? Discover the Nuances, www.martechadvisor.com
Conversion Optimization
3 Ways to Increase Conversions by Increasing Contextual Relevance, conversionxl.com
Measuring Conversions Post Converted Clicks, www.ppchero.com
The Why and How of Prioritizing A/B Testing Hypothesis, vwo.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
16 New, Free Commercial Fonts for Your Website, www.practicalecommerce.com
6 Landing Page Copywriting Principles for More Conversions, www.wordstream.com
Marketer’s Playbook: The Future of Customer Experience, adage.com
Will .Web Become Best Selling New gTLD Extension?, www.domaininvesting.com
eCommerce usability: the ultimate guide, yoast.com
The Global 1000: The reinvention of global e-retail, www.internetretailer.com
Tips On Which Product Pages To Improve, www.goinflow.com
Email Marketing
5 remarkably effective email personalization tactics, myemma.com
London’s Top Marketing Managers Weigh-in on Creating Email Campaigns, www.searchenginejournal.com
Most Retail Email Subscribers Are Not Customers, www.emarketer.com
General Internet Marketing
Attribution Is Becoming More of a Priority for Marketers, www.emarketer.com
How Dell Manages Influencer Programs: An Interview with Konstanze Alex-Brown, www.socialmediaexplorer.com
How to Succeed in Marketing in Your First 100 Days, www.cmswire.com
Seven Segmentation Mistakes That Will Cost Your Business Money, www.marketingprofs.com
What does the digital agency of the future look like?, econsultancy.com
Internet Marketing Industry
11 rules to follow when building a chatbot, venturebeat.com
Marketers: There’s More Than One Way to Skin a Stack, www.cmswire.com
Simplifying Marketing Technology: A Practical How-to Framework for Every Marketer’s Needs, www.martechadvisor.com
The Top-Rated Content Marketing Software Platforms, www.marketingprofs.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
5 Ways Brands Are Incorporating Facebook Messenger Bots in Their Marketing, www.adweek.com
Five tips to boost your new mobile device campaigns, advertise.bingads.microsoft.com
Fixing Mobile Marketing’s 90% Analysis, 10% Action Problem, www.tune.com
Mobile expected to be the first screen for Rio 2016 Summer Olympics, venturebeat.com
Why are Mobile App Users Abandoning your App?, www.webanalyticsworld.net
Why in-app advertising is a must for marketers, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Why Mobile Success Starts With a Great User Experience, www.martechadvisor.com
Social Media
10 Ways Social Media Marketing Can Help Grow Your Business, blogs.constantcontact.com
5 Engagement Tactics To Capture A Social High-Value Target Audience, www.searchenginepeople.com
6 B2B Brands Incorporating UGC on Instagram, www.toprankblog.com
Follow the Rio 2016 @Olympics on Twitter, Vine, and Periscope, www.Twitter.com
How to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile and Presence, www.marketingprofs.com
How to Use Snapchat Memories to Improve Your Marketing, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
NFL to Get Snapchat Discover Channel This Fall, www.wsj.com
Publishers dodged a bullet in their war with Facebook, techcrunch.com
Social engagements with brands continue to grow in volume, sophistication, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
The Best Practices for LatAm Publishers on Facebook, www.newswhip.com
Twitter tweaks Moments for the Olympics to last for more than a few days, venturebeat.com
Why Facebook Bots Have Amazing Potential (And Why You Should Still Ignore Them), blog.kissmetrics.com
Why Facebook Is Poised to Gain Significant Search Ad Dollars, adage.com
Facebook’s Quest To Turn The Internet Into Live Theater, www.fastcodesign.com
How Media Companies Used Facebook Live During the Republican and Democratic Conventions, media.fb.com
How Snapchat Helped Trigger the Livestreaming Arms Race, www.adweek.com
No Bull focuses on video to drive mobile conversions, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Why big publishers cannot ‘wait and see’ with VR, venturebeat.com
Why This Brand Gets 15-Fold Engagement on Facebook Live Video, www.convinceandconvert.com