Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Micro-wins: The true secret to AdWords success May 26, 2017 by Jacob Baadsgaard
The PPC world is rife with stories of quick wins, hacks and tricks that lead to big gains in paid search performance — but columnist Jacob Baadsgaard notes that the best results with AdWords accounts are often the result of many smaller wins over time.
New Quality Score metrics: What matters most, and how to improve your ads May 26, 2017 by Kevin Lee
Looking for ways to gain an advantage in paid search? Columnist Kevin Lee has some ideas to increase Quality Score metrics and surpass your competitors.
StepsAway launches in-store, WiFi-based marketing for retailers May 26, 2017 by Greg Sterling
Approach offers personalized offers without app-install requirement.
How to compare paid search and organic search without sounding foolish May 26, 2017 by Andy Taylor
Which search channel is better: paid or organic? Columnist Andy Taylor argues that there is no simple answer to this question, despite what some practitioners may want to believe.
Knoema offers a chatbot interface for its data search engine May 26, 2017 by Barry Levine
Called Yodatai, she’s the latest attempt to make data accessible through conversation.
Google launches ads measurement system for cross-device campaigns on YouTube, DoubleClick, GDN May 26, 2017 by Ginny Marvin
The Ads Data Hub is designed to give marketers impression-level insights for campaigns served across multiple devices.
Google warns authors, publications against misusing links in syndicated articles & posts May 26, 2017 by Danny Sullivan
If the primary purpose of distributing content is to gain links, both authors and publishers risk a Google penalty.
Why some ad tech vets have doubts about Havas’ new transparency platform May 26, 2017 by Barry Levine
As the transparency bandwagon gains speed, some are wondering if the added info is useful, if it takes publishers into account or if it changes anything.
How to create remarkable offers and increase your conversion rate May 26, 2017 by Seth Price
From learning about your audience to selling your offer, contributor Seth Price walks you through key steps that will help you maximize your conversion rate.
What a 32-step journey to a Bruno Mars album can teach marketers and tech companies May 26, 2017 by Blaise Lucey
Columnist and Bitly senior content strategist Blaise Lucey recounts a circuitous user journey and discusses the lessons that marketers can learn from it.
Looking for a marketing automation platform? This guide takes the guesswork out. May 25, 2017 by Digital Marketing Depot
All new for 2017, MarTech Today’s B2B Marketing Automation Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide is the source for the latest trends, opportunities and challenges facing the market for marketing automation tools. This 44-page report includes: profiles of 14 leading vendors pricing charts and capabilities comparisons recommended steps for evaluating If you’re considering a marketing automation platform, […]
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
What marketers need to know about Google Attribution, eConsultancy
How Data Helps Influence Reluctant Buyers, KISS Metrics
Blogs & Blogging
WordPress to Select New JavaScript Framework for Use in Core, WordPress Tavern
Business Issues
Content Marketing
How to Avoid Collaborative Overload Within Your Content Team, Content Marketing Institute
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Best Practices for Long Scrolling, blogs.adobe.com
2 strategies to boost Amazon sales, Practical E-Commerce
PMA Online Shopping Survey Results, thepma.org
Email Marketing
Here’s Why It’s Time to Embrace Behavioral Marketing, Movable Ink
Work Email Trends After Hours, www.reachmail.net
General Internet Marketing
Mobile/Local Marketing
Social Media