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Marketing Day: Google+ A Referral Graveyard, Watchdog Targets YouTube, Facebook Page Engagement Up

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. VIDEO + SLIDESHOW: All Search Is Now Social “Social is all about discovery, search is about validation. These two are so inextricably linked today…” ~ Tami Cannizzaro, Global Director of Marketing, Social Business at IBM. Google has placed a huge bet on social, not just on integrating Google+ into all of the online giant’s moving pieces, but also in increasing the strength of […]

  2. Google+ At 3 Years Old: Not A Ghost Town, But A Social Referral Graveyard Let’s put it aside from the get-go: Google+ is not a ghost town. Without a doubt there are millions of people who use and value the social network, which turns three tomorrow. There’s a vibrant community of photographers; there are Hangout on Air true believers; there are marketers who swear it’s the best social network […]

  3. Google Earns Ad Money Off YouTube Videos Hawking Stolen Credit Cards, Says Watchdog Group The Digital Citizens Alliance, an internet safety coalition, is calling out Google for allowing videos that promote the sale of stolen and bogus credit cards to appear on YouTube and then profiting from ads shown alongside the videos. In its latest report [PDF], “Breach of Trust: How the Online Market for Stolen and Bogus Credit […]

  4. Too Bizarre Or Too Boring? Finding The Right Balance For B2B Content B2B companies have been loosening their figurative ties in the past few years, and most everybody is breathing a sigh of relief. But for content marketers, it’s a double-edged sword. On one hand, it’s great news that we no longer need to fill our blog posts with meaningless jargon and clunky technical terms. On the […]

  5. Marketing At The Speed Of Ideas: How To Ensure Your Messaging Keeps Up Of the many demands on marketers, messaging is considered among the most difficult to deliver. We want our brand’s message to convey the perfect balance of being fresh and creative while striking a chord of inner recognition. Not only do we need to hit this combination repeatedly, but we need to do so quickly if […]

  6. Larry Page On Google+: “We’re Super Excited About It” Google+ was the forgotten social network during yesterday’s Google I/O keynote, quite a change from the past two years when it was touted often and enthusiastically. This year it managed to score only a passing reference in a demonstration of how Chromecast will allow you to beam a slideshow of your Google+ photos onto your […]

  7. Socialbakers Study: Facebook Page Engagement Has Grown 30% Since January Social media analytics firm Socialbakers today weighed into the Facebook organic reach debate with some counterintuitive data. Analyst Phillip Ross wrote: The conversation that seems to be dominating the Facebook marketing community is all about how algorithmic changes to Facebook’s News Feed are hurting organic reach. Our numbers say the opposite; brands have never had […]

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