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Marketing Day: February 7, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Following the imposition of a fine by the French National Commission for Computing and Civil Liberties (CNIL) for violating consumer privacy, Google was ordered to post a statement on its French homepage that its privacy policy did not comply with French law: The Sanctions Committee ordered Google Inc. to publish a communiqué on this decision on the website, […]

Big brands and companies with multiple Facebook Admins rejoice. It appears that by the end of the month Facebook Admins will be able to view which posts were authored by specific Admins. This gives a level of transparency and tracking that hasn’t existed since the inception of Pages. AllFacebook reported that Adi Yagil of eToro […]

LinkedIn is the latest tech company to adopt the “more wood behind fewer arrows” approach to its product lineup. The company announced today that it’ll soon shut down LinkedIn Intro and Slidecast later this year. Deep Nishar, the SVP of Products and User Experience, says LinkedIn is going to focus on “doing fewer things better.” […]

Last year, Google made what was to some a surprising announcement: its previously free Google Product Search would become Google Shopping, which would ask a fee of product brands and retailers that wanted to be included in new Product Listing Ads. I can’t say that I disagree with Google’s decision. The company has hit on […]

In time for tonight’s Sochi Winter Olympics opening ceremonies, Twitter is offering users a number of ways to follow their favorite Olympic events and athletes. Along with the #Sochi2014 hashtag, the site listed the following accounts on its Twitter blog yesterday to track the winter games: @Olympics @Sochi2014 @USOlympic @NBCOlympics List of U.S. athletes List […]

It’s official. Google Glass will be openly available for purchase later this year. That means two things: Expect to see a lot of new Glassers soon, and it’s time to start thinking about how such technology will change the way consumers search. Below, we’ll take a look at seven areas likely to be affected and […]

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