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Marketing Day: February 7, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Two recent cases of AdSense publisher bans highlight publisher discontent about Google’s mysterious methods for determining when to ban (and when to reinstate) participants displaying its Content Network ads on their sites. In the first case, well-respected netizen Jef Poskanzer, who runs the site, was banned from AdSense on January 15. Google’s explanation, in […]

Facebook is planning its first event specifically for marketers, and it boasts a lineup of heavy hitters from inside the company. They’re calling it fMC — an invite-only event happening on February 29th in New York City from noon to 6:00 pm. It comes on the heels of Facebook’s IPO filing, and, now more than […]

Google+ has gained new options that allows people to block those dropping spam comments into posts. Hurray! It’s a much needed improvement, though I wish there was the ability to delete spam comments more easily across multiple posts. The New “Report Abuse Or Block” Flag Here’s how it works. If you come across a spam comment, hover […]

Social media and kids abandoning email are two of the biggest threats to future success in email marketing, according to the new 2012: Email in Action study from eConsultancy and the Direct Marketing Association. Conducted in the fourth quarter of 2011, the survey involved more than 450 email marketers in North America. When asked about […]

Klout, the social influence measurement service, has announced its first acquisition: a local/mobile app called Blockboard. Blockboard was formerly known as BlockChalk and, when I wrote about it two years ago, the service then seemed like a cross between Twitter, Foursquare and even Craigslist, focusing heavily on local, even neighborhood-level content and connections. Today, the […]

Facebook has faced regular heat and criticism of its privacy policies since the beginning. However since the Facebook S-1 and the recognition that its IPO will make many employees into millionaires and billionaires, there’s a new quality and intensity to the criticism. In the past week, for example, the New York Times as run multiple […]

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