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Marketing Day: February 6, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. US December Smartphone Share: The Apple-Samdroid Battle Continues This afternoon comScore released data on December US smartphone market share. The story is the same as in previous months. Android and iOS are up and almost all others are down. Apple and Samsung gained share, while others besides LG lost share. LG produced the wildly popular, perpetually sold out Nexus 4 handset. Apple was […]

  2. Kim Kardashian Talks Social Media: Loves Instagram, Twitter Is Fun, Facebook For Branding Talking today at Webfest Global, Kim Kardashian expressed love for Instagram, found Twitter fun, saw Facebook as a great brand builder and, despite having emailed Google CEO Eric Schmidt earlier in the day, made no mention of Google+. These and other thoughts she shared on business and social media are in my live blog below. I’ll highlight […]

  3. Four Ways Facebook Can Increase Email Sales A successful retail email campaign involves much more than just an email. Because it creates customer engagement and results in revenue, a successful email campaign aligns closely with social and e-commerce, resulting in a “trifecta” across all three channels. But, integrating social is more than just asking your subscribers to fan you on Facebook or […]

  4. Sorry, Google+ Users, Those Super Bowl Hashtags Really Were For Twitter Soon after our post about Twitter being referenced in 50% of Super Bowl commercials, and Google+ being shut-out, the Google+ defenders started complaining. Since Google+ supports hashtags, was our analysis biased toward Twitter? Nope, some further analysis shows. You can see some of the complaints in the comments to our original post, and I received a […]

  5. Twitter Buys Bluefin Labs To Develop Social TV Products Twitter confirmed late Tuesday what several news outlets had already reported: its acquisition of Bluefin Labs, a company that helps brands measure and connect social media conversations with TV shows and commercials. Twitter says the buy will help the company “create innovative new ad products and consumer experiences” in social TV. The acquisition follows on […]

  6. Target An Audience That Matches A Specific Profile With Facebook’s Lookalike Audiences For Ads Advertisers who’ve relied solely on interest & demographic targeting will be getting a boost thanks to a new Facebook Advertising feature, Lookalike audiences. This feature will allow advertisers to segment based off of a similar customer profile instead of specific data points from a user. Advertisers will be able to target users that match specific […]

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