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Marketing Day: February 5, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Instagram No Longer A Mobile-Only Social Network: The Feed Makes Its Web Debut Instagram originally launched as an iPhone-only application. Then came Android, then web-profiles. Now Instagram has become a social network that is more than just mobile — thanks to the Instagram feed now hitting the web. Users can now log-in to see all of their friends photographic activity in the Instagram feed. Much of the same functionality […]

  2. Report: Worldwide Online Sales Topped $1 Trillion For First Time In 2012 Worldwide e-commerce sales surpassed the $1 trillion mark for the first time in 2012, according to a new eMarketer estimate out today. The research firm estimates that B2C online sales grew 21.1 percent last year to $1.097 trillion. Leading the way was the US e-commerce industry, which grew 13.9 percent to an estimated sales total […]

  3. Facebook Vacation: 61 Percent Of Users Say They’ve Taken One A new Pew survey on Facebook usage patterns leads me to want to coin a new term: “Facay” — for “Facebook vacation.” According to survey data collected in December, “61 percent of current Facebook users say that at one time or another in the past they have voluntarily taken a break from using Facebook for […]

  4. Why You Can’t Find The Official Fast & Furious 6 Web Site In Google & Bing The latest movie in the “Fast & Furious” franchise is coming, Fast & Furious 6. It’s getting a lot of attention because of its Super Bowl ad on Sunday and the debut of its extended trailer today. But if you’re trying to find the official web site, Fast & Furious will send you on a chase […]

  5. Targeted Facebook Ads Will Soon Become More Transparent With AdChoices Icon Ever been creeped out by Facebook’s uncanny knack for displaying ads for products you’ve recently viewed? Well, soon Facebook will more clearly label FBX ads that are displayed to users via behavioral targeting/re-targeting methods. According to AdAge, the ever-familiar AdChoices icon will be displayed on the targeted ads, but will only show when a user actually hovers over the […]

  6. Google’s Chrome Browser Issues Malware Warnings For Major Sites Those trying to reach major websites ranging from The Huffington Post to CNET and using Google’s Chrome browser may be getting blocked, as Chrome puts up a “Danger: Malware Ahead” warning. I first noticed this last night, when I tried to reach an article at The Huffington Post, and got this warning screen: The warning […]

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