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Writer's pictureFahad H

Marketing Day: February 3, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Facebook reported earlier today that 50 million people (“unique people”) globally were communicating about the Super Bowl via the site or apps last night. The 50 million people apparently had 185 million “interactions.” That’s roughly 3.7 interactions per person on average. Facebook has been eager to insert itself into real-time communication about live events and […]

It looks like the Seattle Seahawks weren’t the only big winners last night. According to video analytics firm, Budweiser’s “Puppy Love” was the No. 1 most popular Super Bowl ad online, with two more of the brand’s ads making it into’s top ten list. Ranking Super Bowl ads based on online views and […]

Internet marketing success means knowing what works, testing what’s new and measuring everything. Search Marketing Expo – SMX West is where professional internet marketers like you go for the latest tactics for increasing visibility, traffic, conversions and sales. Here are 10 reasons why you need to be in San Jose March 11-13: 10) Hummingbird, […]

It’s year number six of tracking how Super Bowl ads compelled us to search and just how well advertisers take advantage of all that searching. How did advertisers fare this year? Better than in earlier years, mostly because they are learning to keep it simple. But they’re not necessarily doing better in search on purpose. […]

According to the latest data from Networked Insights, Esurance has won what might be dubbed the “Conversation Bowl” with 539,610 (and climbing) conversations on Twitter — far higher than number two T-Mobile’s 309,780 conversations with an ad that ran after the Super Bowl ended. Esurance itself, now says its campaign has earned more than one […]

If you want comprehensive coverage of yesterday’s Super Bowl ads check out our #Hashtag Bowl site. My own view is that most of the ads failed and won’t help the brands or their products at all. Indeed, studies indicate that most Super Bowl advertising has little or no impact. In contrast, Mexican QSR chain Chipotle […]

Before the advent of the internet, marketers relied on snail mail to reach audiences in mass quantities, not knowing for certain whether the people they targeted would even be interested in what they had to offer. Thankfully, the digital era has simplified the process of reaching audiences through other channels like email, social and mobile, […]

Jacob Baadsgard, CEO of Disruptive Advertising, spent most of his professional life guiding Fortune 100 companies to greater profitability with Pay-Per-Click advertising at Adobe. He was responsible for adding $30M a year to Adobe’s bottom line. That was before he started his own PPC Management firm. Jacob attributes much of his success in PPC to […]

In early 2007, Mike Volpe joined HubSpot as the company’s fifth employee. With Volpe serving as chief marketing officer, HubSpot has since grown from 10 to 10,000 customers, expanded from 5 to 650 employees, and raised $100 million in venture capital. Under Volpe’s leadership, HubSpot has won more than 30 marketing awards and has been […]

Last year, Oreo had its big moment “newsjacking” the Super Bowl, crashing in with a tweet about the event that won the buzz even though Oreo wasn’t an sponsor. This year, Oreo literally sat this one out — and JCPenney’s “mitten-garbled” tweets might have won. Twitter measurement company TweetReach says that JPC was the most-discussed non-sponsor […]

Twitter’s shared that this year’s Super Bowl generated 24.9 million tweets, more than ever before, edging out last year’s record of 24.1 million tweets — and this without a blackout or any other unexpected events other than the Seattle Seahawks’s complete stomping of the Denver Broncos. Twitter is still churning through the data, but the […]

The game last night was anything but competitive which helped make the social screen that much more entertaining. Throughout the night there was plenty of brand and Bronco bashing amid some sound marketing that helped stretch ad dollars and put brands in the social spotlight. As we monitored all of the ads and brand activity […]

Hashtags were used in 57 percent of nationally-run Super Bowl ads, up from 50% in 2013 and setting a new record. Facebook was the social network most mentioned, though barely. It had only five mentions and just edged past Twitter with four. The numbers are from our third annual #Hashtag Bowl count of social media […]

Did you miss our live blog action during the big game? No problem, we understand you were at a party enjoying the Super Bowl commercials in real-time with all your friends. Catch up on what you missed and review our expert commentary on the Super Bowl ads, as our panel shared their first take on […]

Brands pay big money to be in the Super Bowl because all the eyeballs watching. But the eyeballs are already watching Super Bowl ads well before the big game starts. This year, over 130 million Super Bowl-related video views have been racked up, according to video analytics company These have generated more than 1 […]

Tomorrow, we’re geared up for our annual Hashtag Bowl, a count of social media mentions in Super Bowl ads as well as a look at the ads themselves. But after reviewing the record-breaking number of Super Bowl ads already placed online, the Budweiser #BestBuds puppy ad and hashtags in general are big hits. Will that […]

If a screenshot found today on’s website is accurate, the company may be close to partnering with Twitter to bring e-commerce to individual tweets. Re/code broke the news this afternoon of a program called Twitter Commerce and reported that would be at least one of the consumer-facing partners that would make shopping from […]

Despite appearances, Bud Light is not the number one advertiser on Super Bowl related queries on either Google or Bing. According to new data from search monitoring service BrandVerity, Bud Light, which is advertising all four of its Game Day ads, has been beat out by different advertisers on each of the search engines. The […]

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  1. Facebook Wants to Be Your Second Screen at the Super Bowl,

  2. #SB48 by the Numbers: What Was Twitter Talking About?,

  3. 10 best social media moments of the Super Bowl,

  4. 7 Offline Tactics to Gain More Twitter Followers,

  5. AddThis Reports Super Bowl XLVIII’s Winning Advertisers, Celebrities and Game Highlights Based on Social Media Activity and Content Engagement, Business Wire

  6. Facebook Estimates Between 5.5% and 11.2% of Accounts are Fake, The Next Web

  7. Hashtags Displace URLs in Super Bowl XLVIII (And Why I Think Google Won the #AdBowl), Exact Target

  8. Hillary Clinton wins Super Bowl Newsjacking derby with Oreo runner up, Web Ink Now

  9. Lead Generation on Twitter — It Can Be Done!, CopyPress

  10. Pinterest Tools: 8 Tools to make your life more Pinteresting,

  11. Social Media Opportunities Are Created With Timing,

  12. The Social Bowl [Infographic],

  13. Thomson Reuters Taps Into Twitter For Big Data Sentiment Analysis, TechCrunch

  14. Three Brand Fails That Prove Auto-Replies On Twitter Are A Bad Idea, Media Bistro

  15. Top 25 Facebook pages: February 2014 — Vin Diesel fanbase keeps growing, Inside Facebook


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