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Marketing Day: February 28, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Facebook Cuts Into Google’s Lead As Top Traffic Driver To Online News Sites [Report] Add this to the ongoing debate over whether social or search is driving more traffic to online publishers: new data from shows that Facebook took a big bite in January out of Google’s lead as top traffic source for some of the biggest news publishers on the web. The numbers come from’s latest […]

  2. Foursquare Opens Up About Using Check-In Data For Ad Retargeting, Revenue Generation Foursquare is now going public about its moves over the past year to sell its location data and deliver ads across the web and on mobile devices. As first reported and confirmed today in AdAge, the company’s CRO Steven Rosenblatt says it has been working with DSP Turn for the better part of a year […]

  3. Google Got Called Out For Being A “Scraper Site” & You Won’t Believe What Happened Next On Thursday, Google made a call for publishers to report if sites have copied or “scraped” their content and are outranking the publishers themselves. But a tweet from a marketer pointing out that Google might be doing what it’s against got far more attention that Google’s own request. The head of Google’s web spam team […]

  4. WTF Is Tag Management? Do You Really Know, Or Just Think You Do? In last month’s column (WTF Is A Cookie, Anyway? Do You Really Know, Or Just Think You Do?), I covered the basics of cookies and touched briefly on the idea of tag management. This month, I am going to dive deeper into those tools and explain why you should consider this as an option for […]

  5. Mobile Devices: 30 Percent Of Traffic, 15 Percent Of Sales A new “year in review” report from e-commerce platform ShopVisible offers some interesting insights and confirms consumer behavior patterns seen in earlier data. In particular, mobile devices are generating an increasing amount of traffic to e-commerce sites; however, the online sales they deliver are half that volume. Overall, mobile devices were responsible for 30 percent of […]

  6. Grabbing Attention Vs. Getting People To Care About Your Content A Conductor study from July 2013 highlights an increasingly pervasive problem in the digital media industry. There is so much content being produced on a daily basis that the supply of content far outstrips what the attention economy can sustain. Every day, there are 2 million blog posts, 294 billion emails, 864 thousand hours of […]

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