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Marketing Day: February 27, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Instagram Reaches 100 Million Monthly Users Instagram has hit the 100 million monthly user mark. CEO Kevin Systrom announced the milestone yesterday in a lengthy blog post that waxes poetically about Instagram’s growing community. He also features a couple stories about Instagram users, highlighting the San Francisco-based Mission Bicycle, a small business with more than 42,000 followers (of course, followers are […]

  2. Facebook Expands Custom Audiences With Third Party Audience Segmentation Data Last year Facebook introduced Custom Audiences, which enables companies to upload customer or prospect databases and target those individuals on Facebook by matching customer IDs with Facebook IDs, phone numbers or email addresses (subject to privacy protections). That capability was recently expanded with “Lookalike Audiences,” which enable marketers to find segments that generally match specific […]

  3. Study: Facebook Page Reach Rises 31 Percent (& More) After Insights Bug Fix Most Facebook Page Owners should be seeing substantial increases in the reported reach of their posts after Facebook announced and fixed a bug that affected its reach and impressions data in Page Insights. The folks at EdgeRank Checker studied about 1,000 Pages, comparing reach on posts that were published on two days: February 18th (before […]

  4. AdSense Turns 10: Reflections On Google’s Great Leap Beyond Search Ads Google AdSense turns 10 today. For Google, AdSense was its first big push into advertising beyond search ads. It led directly to Google’s eventual growth in display advertising. It led to the birth of new, good sites being able to fund themselves easily off of ads. It also gave birth to “made for AdSense” garbage […]

  5. 3 Common Mistakes Marketers Make With Their Analytics Mo Analytics, Mo Problems — other than a terrible use of the great Notorious B.I.G. song, this phrase accurately reflects how marketers feel about their analytics. If marketers aren’t versed in the finer details of the different metrics, they can easily draw the wrong conclusions with their on-page optimization and reporting. 1. Thinking Greater Time […]

  6. Is The Google+ “Spam-Free” Sign-In Really That Different From Facebook? Google is promising that its new Google+ Sign-In is a way to avoid all that “social spam” that unnamed other services (cough, Facebook) “spray” into your social timeline. Hey, I know Facebook can get aggressive. But how about a reality check on Google’s supposedly altruistic move? Google Account Sign-In Had No Social Worries For one, […]

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