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Marketing Day: February 27, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

LinkedIn users will now be able to connect in more ways, to more account types. A new follow button for companies will allow users to connect to an organization with just one click. This will give companies the ability to share and become followed in a format very similar to Twitter and Facebook. This type […]

Facebook’s Insights tool is reportedly about to become much faster with the addition of real-time stats. Techcrunch broke the news that the official Facebook analytics program will move towards live (or near real-time) statistics instead of the current 48 hour reporting delay. Insights has been rather spotty as of late, with many pages reporting a 3 […]

I recently went onto Quora to notice someone had asked the question that is the bane of my existence: “What are the barriers to widespread adoption of dynamic display ad platforms and formats?” Folks provided great answers and I’ve hinted to a few solutions in my previous columns, but it’s important to really attack those […]

In the event you weren’t aware the mobile trade show Mobile World Congress is happening in Barcelona, Spain this week. I’d probably be attending but for SMX West starting tomorrow in San Jose, California. The European show is mostly about hardware, carriers and devices, a larger version of CTIA here in the US. Yesterday there […]

The days of the good old medium rectangle, wide skyscraper and leaderboard may be numbered. The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has released a new standard display ad package that includes the 970×250 Billboard, the 970×90 Pushdown and the 300×600 Filmstrip, among others. It’s the first time the IAB has introduced a new standard ad portfolio […]

When you’re determining social media ROI, sometimes you’ve got to get your hands dirty. With data, of course. Specifically, let’s talk about campaign variables. It’s an off-puttingly science-y name for a concept that’s really pretty simple: Tagging all the links you send out via social media channels to keep track of how they’re doing. The […]

“I don’t think they were ever not evil,” I’m quoted as saying about Google in a New York Times column yesterday. True enough, I said that. But I wanted to provide some further context about my comments as well as the truly disastrous two months Google has had on the public relations front. In Google Many Still […]

Flickr appears to be the first of what you’d call a “major” website to employ a meta tag that keeps copyright-protected images from being pinned on Pinterest. As VentureBeat first reported, Flickr is using the “nopin” meta tag that Pinterest just introduced earlier this week. When Pinterest sees the tag on a web page, none […]

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