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Marketing Day: February 20, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

More trouble for Google today on the privacy front: Just days after revelations that Google is ignoring privacy settings on Apple’s Safari web browser, Microsoft says Google is doing the same thing with Internet Explorer. Microsoft shares its findings in a blog post this morning: When the IE team heard that Google had bypassed user […]

As the noise continues to grow surrounding Pinterest and its potential legal headaches, the image-based social network has taken a small step toward placating website owners concerned with potential copyright violations. As LL Social pointed out yesterday, Pinterest is supporting a “nopin” meta tag that will prevent users from pinning images directly from the site […]

While Google will tell you that Latitude has millions of users, what the company doesn’t generally talk about is how many of those people are actively engaged with the product. The consensus appears to be that Latitude is languishing. However Mountain View has been tweaking, enhancing and updating Latitude to breathe new life into it. […]

Fire your marketing department! Social media is free! Have you heard the news? It’s been trumpeted recently in no end of misleading, link-baity headlines such as these: P&G To Lay Off 1,600 After Discovering It’s Free To Advertise On Facebook P&G slashes marketers in lieu of free social media P&G CEO Discovers Social Media Marketing […]

There’s nothing like a white-hot economy, or a white-hot sector, to create marketing geniuses. Notice that there are a lot of well-known social media geniuses these days. The financial service sector seems to have a shortage of them. Which is not to say there are none. It’s my belief that the very smart executives shine […]

From the beginning, Facebook has been about a community of real people and has used everything from .edu email addresses to mobile verification for support. Now Facebook is helping top users (those with the most subscribers) gain more prominence by verifying their account with physical IDs. TechCrunch announced that Facebook is inviting “prominent public figures” to […]

As Google+ keeps on growing, brands are now reaping the benefits of getting involved early. In a recent report from BrightEdge, a massive growth spurt for top brands was uncovered. Compared to December’s numbers, the number of people with top 100 Google+ brands, in their circles was up over 1400% in February. In December the […]

If you still don’t get how much Google is behind ensuring Google+ gets everything it needs to succeed, consider the screenshot below, showing how for the first time ever, Google’s home page now lets you do something other than search. You can share. Social is now coequal with search. Search, Meet Share OK, perhaps the […]

The average Internet user in the U.S. spent 36 hours online in January. That won’t seem like much to those of us who reached 36 hours online by January 3rd, but comScore says it’s a new record for Internet usage. That stat comes from comScore’s latest ranking of US web sites, which shows that January […]

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