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Marketing Day: February 2, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

This afternoon comScore released December marketshare data for US smartphones. Android continued its march toward 50 percent penetration, while Apple also gained. All others declined. According to the data, Samsung is the top smartphone OEM. The company also said that 40 percent of the US adult population owned smartphones as of December. This number is […]

Less than a month to go before Google’s new privacy policy changes happen. Microsoft is running an ad campaign encouraging switching to its services as safer or more private. The US Congress is still asking questions. Headlines have painted a worrisome picture. But Google’s users seem largely unconcerned. That’s no surprise. They probably shouldn’t be. […]

When asked the question, “Notice anything new on Facebook?” — besides the company’s filing for an IPO, of course — my guess is you would answer it with gusto and say “Timeline” or “Ticker.” And you would be correct — at least for the most part. There was another large change that managed to fly quietly […]

As widely anticipated Facebook filed its S-1 to go public today, and interesting fact emerged. Facebook — out of necessity — will soon become the largest mobile ad network in the world. Throughout the S-1 Facebook makes reference to mobile. It sees mobile as both a threat and essential to its future growth. (Last year I […]

Facebook has filed its IPO paperwork and the S-1 statement contains an utterly dizzying amount of statistics. The numbers provide a glimpse into Facebook’s stunning growth since its founding in 2004, with a particular emphasis on what’s been happening over the past three years. Here’s a look in graphical/chart form at some of the most […]

The day many have eagerly awaited has arrived. Facebook has filed to go public. Its S-1 document is available for anyone to review. We’ll be taking a deeper look, ourselves. For now, consider this a live blog of what I find interesting in it. What I’m highlighting generally comes as you read down through the […]

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