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Marketing Day: February 19, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Yahoo Gemini Brings Together Mobile Search & Native Ads In Single Ad Marketplace Yahoo has announced a new ad marketplace that combines mobile search and native ads. It’s called Yahoo Gemini and it’s available as part of Yahoo Ad Manager, the company’s existing self-service ad buying platform. Here’s how the blog post from Yahoo’s Jay Rossiter and Adam Cahan (both SVPs) explains Yahoo Gemini: With Yahoo Gemini, advertisers […]

  2. Infographic: The Blogging Food Groups & Do You Serve Well-Balanced Content Meals? Everyone loves desserts, but you’ve also got to eat your vegetables to be healthy. Does the same hold true with blogging? That a “healthy” blog won’t just be all funny videos and meme images but also contain a balance of others and more substantial content? If so, then knowing your “blogging food groups” may help. […]

  3. Amazon Up But Satisfaction With E-Commerce Lowest In A Decade This morning, the latest American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) retail and e-commerce report came out. It covers retail, grocery stores, online brokerages and e-commerce. The results are mixed and largely negative for e-tailers. According to the report, based on data compiled through “interviews with roughly 70,000 customers annually” by the University of Michigan and its research […]

  4. LinkedIn’s Long Form Professional Publishing Tools Opens To All Members Since launch in 2012, LinkedIn’s dynamic publishing platform has been aimed toward top societal influencers like Richard Branson, Tony Robbins and Bill Gates. Today, LinkedIn is opening their publishing platform to all users so they can publish long-form original content. The program to date has been very successful with Influencer posts seen by 31,000 professionals […]

  5. 10 Ways To Cure The Post-Holiday Email Blues Now that we’re beyond the volume increase around Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas, are you suffering from the post-holiday email blues? After having sent so much volume to drive holiday sales, you may need to get back on track with relevancy in your email campaigns. Try these strategies for engaging your holiday subscribers in […]

  6. Conversion Optimization For E-Commerce Shopping Carts E-commerce websites come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common: the shopping cart. For something that is so easy to do in real life, the online shopping experience is usually done so badly you’d think some companies were trying to turn away shoppers. Those companies that get it right […]

  7. Report: 60 Percent Of Internet Access Is Mostly Mobile In a new global Mobile Media Consumption report, ad network InMobi asserts that, outside the US and UK, mobile media time spent now exceeds TV. However in the US, TV is still the top screen. The Mobile Media Consumption research was conducted by Decision Fuel and OnDevice Research and had roughly 14,000 respondents in 14 countries. In emerging and especially less […]

  8. 5 Killer Marketing Strategies Your Competition Isn’t Using…Yet Small business owners don’t typically have the time or resources to design and execute cutting-edge marketing strategies; that’s the way of the marketing world. Big corporations like Coke and Microsoft test out new ideas in big ways, and then smaller companies adopt the new strategies that proved worthwhile. Because of this “trickle down” marketing process, […]

  9. Marketing Land Summit Preview: “The Display Ad Of The Future: It’s All About You” By Trueffect’s Tim Mayer The Marketing Land Digital Marketing Summit will give you a big picture look at the issues that will impact your marketing plans for this year and beyond. The new, day long program features keynote level, Ted-style solo presentations from industry visionaries representing search, social, content, email, display and more. The speakers we’ve invited are seasoned […]

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