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Marketing Day: February 17, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Report: New Global Internet Growth Will Mostly Be Mobile Late last week, the Pew Research Center released the results of multiple country surveys about mobile technology adoption and internet usage. The countries in focus were 24 “emerging markets,” including Russia, China, Pakistan, Philippines, various South American markets, Turkey and South Africa among others. The associated report has a lot of statistics about user behavior, […]

  2. What Marketers Need To Know About Mobile Usage During Holiday 2013 If Santa hasn’t already gotten himself a smartphone, it’s about time he did. With US smartphone penetration now at nearly 65%, there is nary a name on his nice or naughty list that isn’t addicted to their handheld technology. And this year, shoppers turned to their devices en masse to help them navigate the gifting […]

  3. What Does Omni-Channel Brand Marketing Look Like? We live in a world where marketers have more tools and channels than ever. That can be good news when they understand how to use them for one unified brand impact; it can also be bad news, when print, digital and social teams operate in silos. It’s not hard to understand why silos lead to […]

  4. Get To Know: HootSuite’s VP Of Marketing As the VP of Marketing for HootSuite, Dee Anna McPherson leads marketing strategy for the popular social media management platform. She is responsible for driving growth and building the company’s global brand. Before joining the HootSuite team, McPherson served as VP of Marketing at Yammer, where she established Enterprise Social Networking as a new category […]

  5. The Less You Read, The More You Share? As users continue to share more and more content, a lingering question remains — how much of it is fully read and vetted? According to the popular, feel-good website Upworthy, the answer is not much. Upworthy has come onto the scene in the last year with positive stories and uplifting news. They’ve recently announced a […]

  6. Twitter Trends Now Showing In 50 Additional International Locations The most popular news, articles and entertainment have now arrived in 50 new locations. Twitter Trends help bring interesting, hot topics to users and effectively capture “the pulse of the planet.” Twitter has been rolling out trends to new locations on a regular basis. Here are the new locations that now have trends enabled: For […]

  7. Marketing Land Summit Preview: “The Coming Paradigm Shift In Mobile Marketing” By MobileMoxie’s Cindy Krum The Marketing Land Digital Marketing Summit will give you a big picture look at the issues that will impact your marketing plans for this year and beyond. The new, day long program features keynote level, Ted-style solo presentations from industry visionaries representing search, social, content, email, display and more. The speakers we’ve invited are seasoned […]

  8. KLM Becomes First Airline To Take Payments Via Twitter Today, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines announced that its social media followers could pay for tickets and other services via Twitter. It’s not quite the same as using Twitter to accept payments or using a stored credit card on Twitter (like iTunes). However, it points toward much more commerce happening on the social site. The airline […]

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