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Marketing Day: February 16, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Pinterest has stopped using Skimlinks to monetize some of the “pins” that its users were publishing on the site and, in other news, the company also says that copyright issues haven’t been a “significent issue” to date. Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann has been making the rounds a bit this week (“finally,” some would say) and […]

QR (Quick Response) codes are an awesome mobile marketing tool, and are now popping up literally everywhere. Some of the methods of using QR codes today make great sense, like on a business card, so people can scan your info instead of having to type it all in. And then the placement of some QR […]

Last night Microsoft announced msnNOW, a service that aggregates content around trending topics. msnNOW allows users to choose what the hottest trends are by showing a share count for each trending topic. Other than the web presence at, users can interact with the msnNOW Facebook app and mobile site. What Is It? One of the […]

Some U.S. companies with Facebook pages will be able to use Facebook’s new Timeline interface at the end of this month, according to a new report. Ad Age is reporting that Facebook will launch Timeline for brands/business pages during its fMC conference in New York City on February 29th. FMC is Facebook’s first event geared […]

Two NBA teams with Google+ brand pages are adding about 10,000 new followers/circlers per day since being added to Google’s official suggested users list. The suggested users list is shown to new Google+ users during the sign-up process, and can also be seen by existing users at this URL: At the moment, Google suggests […]

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Social Media

  1. Elections, The Olympics and the End of the World: What’s Next for Social Video, Marketing Pilgrim

  2. Pinterest keeps and engages members better than Twitter, data shows (exclusive), VentureBeat

  3. ‘Pinning’ Has to Become Bigger Than ‘Liking’, Read/Write Web

  4. 5 Ways to Get Your Entire Company On Board With Social Media,

  5. Built-in Flickr photo sharing coming to Mac OS this summer!, Flickr Blog

  6. Commentary: Five key secrets of social loyalty,

  7. Early Success Stories: Timeline Apps and Open Graph – Facebook Developers,

  8. Facebook Launches Verified Accounts and Pseudonyms, TechCrunch

  9. For social sharing, Apple turns to Twitter again,

  10. New version of Twitter, now on for everyone, Official Twitter Blog

  11. Promote Your Google+ Profile on YouTube,

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