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Marketing Day: February 15, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Late last week SEOmoz’s Rand Fishkin and Hubspot’s Dharmesh Shah collaborated to launch a “for fun” Hacker News-like site called According to the site, “The goal of is to prevent great content from the world of inbound marketing from going unnoticed. There’s an amazing community of bloggers, marketers and enthusiasts passionate about non-paid channels like SEO, social […]

Apple is a company that rarely discounts its products. Not so with iAd, which is once again cutting prices to attract advertisers. According to AdAge, the new iAd minimum ad spend is being reduced from $500,000 to $100,000. It began at $1 million when the platform launched two years ago. Apple’s iAd was the product […]

In a study complied by, a few key trends about Google+ user demographics were revealed. The most eye-opening stat? 67% of all users were male. This of course is the exact opposite of most social media networking sites. Women hold the slight majority of users on Twitter, a 55% majority on Facebook, and a whopping 97% share on Pinterest. With […]

One of the driving features of Google+ has been the Circles product. A handful of enhancements are rolling out to further help users customize their connections. Sean Purcell, Google Product Manager, announced the improvements on the way Circles will work and additional ways to discover other users and brands. Circle Enhancements With the growing number of Google+ users […]

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  4. StumbleUpon Channels: Which Media Brands Are Doing Well?,

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  6. 7 Terrific Twitter Tips To Use Today, Small Business Trends

  7. Chirpify Facilitates Scarily Seamless Twitter Payments,

  8. Landing Pages for Social Media Marketing,

  9. Marketing with Pinterest – 7 Unique Business Models,

  10. Microblogs Overtake Social Networks in China,

  11. More male Pinterest users in UK than female: infographic,

  12. Simply Measured Leverages Klout to Offer In-Depth Influencer Analytics for Brands,

  13. The A-Z of LinkedIn,

  14. The Ciphers of Social Media,

  15. The Jeremy Lin-ernet Effect and Social Media,

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