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Marketing Day: February 13, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Online news sites are struggling to get advertisers to move from their traditional platforms to online outlets. One of the effects of that, according to a new report from Pew’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, is that more than one in five ads on news websites are house ads. The implications are obvious to an […]

For the past 13 years polling firm Harris has been asking US consumers about companies they admire and those they don’t. The firm packages that information up into a corporate reputation score for the “60 most visible companies in the country.” A cousin of the American Consumer Satisfaction Index, the scoring is based on consumer […]

Do you know your Twitter from your Facebook? Your Google+ from your Tumblr? Designed for small businesses, the “cheat sheet” below might still be useful to anyone trying to get familiar with some of the social media networking sites out there. The infographic is from the folks at Flowtown and provides some basic tips, lingo and […]

In the “old” days of the Google Content Network, now known as the Google Display Network, your only option was to give Google a few keywords (and your money) and see what kind of results you got back. For several years, it was a risky place to advertise but even in those days, many advertisers […]

Pinterest might as well count as one of the top marketing buzzwords of 2012, as its explosive growth (even though it’s still in invite-only status) has left marketers scrambling to get a good idea of how to utilize it to promote their own business and products. The Business Insider cites that traffic to increased […]

Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:

Online Marketing News From Around The Web:

Affiliate Marketing

  1. The Importance of Effective Affiliate Recruitment,


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Content Marketing

  1. How Content Turns Prospects Into Customers,

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Social Media

  1. Reddit bans "suggestive or sexual content" of minors,

  2. Twitter Breaks News of Whitney Houston Death 27 Minutes Before Press,

  3. 12 Ideas for Marketing using Pinterest,

  4. 13 Ways to Get More Pinterest Followers,

  5. A Month In, Facebook Timeline Brings New Growth For MySpace, Yahoo News, Pinterest, And Others, TechCrunch

  6. Facebook Isn’t Among 60 Most Visible U.S. Companies,

  7. Five Ways Brands Can Leverage Pinterest Now,

  8. Google Testing Plus Integration with Places via Authorship,

  9. Google+ "What’s Hot" Gets More Fine-Grained Control,

  10. Latest Google+ TV Ad is a True Personal Story,

  11. No, Facebook Won’t Shut Down March 15, 2012. It Didn’t Last Year Either,

  12. One Business’s Social Media Marketing Mistake & What You Can Learn From It,

  13. Top 10 Social Networking Websites & Forums – January 2012,

  14. Your Social Media Profile Picture Cheatsheet (Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn),

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