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Marketing Day: February 10, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Reflecting trends in the larger mobile and PC markets, Apple’s iOS devices (iPhone, iPad) are now responsible for a larger share of web traffic than its Mac PCs and laptops — according to one firm. Earlier today we were contacted by ad network Chitika, which reported that (August 2011 to February 2012) US traffic from […]

One of the best things an affiliate manager can do for their affiliate program is to maintain consistent and regular communication with their Publishers. Affiliate managers often say to me, “I don’t have enough to say to put out a monthly newsletter.” But you do! Advertisers have much more to talk about than they sometimes realize. […]

While most financial analysts and institutional investors don’t agree, a strong case can be made that Yahoo’s “sale” of its search business to Microsoft under former CEO Carol Bartz was a big mistake that has cost the company in numerous ways: revenue, talent and credibility. Is new CEO Scott Thompson, the former PayPal executive, about […]

Last year Google released Google Analytics premium in an effort to expand its enterprise clientele. But for some people, Google Analytics is still perceived as less professional/enterprise than other tools. In this post I try to explain whether this perception is rightfully attributed to Google Analytics and why it happens. Google Analytics Enterprise Market Stats […]

Yahoo has launched a new visualization tool that offers some insights into how it chooses what content to show on the Yahoo home page and other properties. It offers data that should be of interest to anyone in the news/publishing space. The data comes from Yahoo’s “C.O.R.E.” — which stands for Content Optimization and Relevance […]

LinkedIn has crossed the 150 million user plateau and today reported a strong 4th quarter that beat Wall Street Estimates. In its earnings announcement today, LinkedIn reported revenue of $167.7 million, a 105 percent increase over the $81.7 million it earned in Q4 of 2010. It also reported 4th quarter profits of $6.9 million — […]

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