Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
New insights on the customer decision journey Jul 21, 2016 by John Cosley Columnist John Cosley shares research from Bing Ads on the customer journey and explains how you can apply these learnings to optimize your paid search campaigns.
Why mix-and-match marketing is the way forward Jul 21, 2016 by Lewis Gersh Columnist Lewis Gersh says it’s time to stop thinking of different marketing channels in isolation and focus on crafting a more integrated approach that gives consumers a complete and balanced marketing breakfast.
Is your online marketing agency relationship worth saving? Jul 21, 2016 by Jacob Baadsgaard Things started out so well between you and your agency, but now it seems that you just aren’t seeing eye to eye anymore. What can you do? Columnist Jacob Baadsgaard explains how to set things right — or break things off.
9 new and semi-secret Facebook targeting options Jul 21, 2016 by Brad O’Brien Want to improve your Facebook ad performance? Columnist Brad O’Brien talks new and lesser-known Facebook targeting options to consider.
Visible Measures launches tool to forecast future video trends Jul 21, 2016 by Barry Levine Boston-based company says its Industry Forecaster is the first of its kind.
How to manage your ad partners in regulated industries: Finance (part 2 of 5) Jul 21, 2016 by Lori Weiman In part 2 of her five-part series, contributor Lori Weiman looks at how advertisers in the finance industry can monitor their affiliates to boost ad performance while staying on the government’s good side.
5 reasons your Facebook Ads aren’t working Jul 21, 2016 by Blaise Lucey Are your Facebook Ads producing mediocre results? Columnist and Bitly senior content strategist Blaise Lucey explains why and how you can fix the problem.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
You’re (Probably) Using the Wrong Graph, www.workshopdigital.com
Digital Marketers: It’s Time for Mobile-First Measurement (Report), www.adweek.com
Insights in Instagram analytics, yoast.com
Measurement and Analytics Report 2016: Four key challenges in dealing with data, www.econsultancy.com
Blogs & Blogging
6 Tips for Improving Your Company Blog, www.copypress.com
How Bloggers Can Survive This Economic Recession, www.blogherald.com
Medium Marketing Strategies That Work to Grow Your Medium Blog, blog.bufferapp.com
Content Marketing
Content Marketing 101 Featuring Kittens, www.socialmediaexplorer.com
How to Define a Workflow That Keeps Content Production On Track, contentmarketinginstitute.com
The Majority of Marketing Content Isn’t Used by Sales. Why?, www.martechadvisor.com
Conversion Optimization
5 Reasons For Low Converting Product Pages, www.goinflow.com
Do Push Notifications Increase Conversion Rates?, blog.crazyegg.com
Is content really the solution to lacklustre conversion rates?, econsultancy.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Applying User-Centered Design To Revamp A 75 Year Old Business Model, usabilitygeek.com
Simple Recipes for No-Fail Landing Page Copy, unbounce.com
Interesting data on domain growth and cybersquatting, domainnamewire.com
Amazon tests Daily Dish workplace lunch delivery service, rivaling former employees’ startup Peach, www.geekwire.com
eBay has more brand power than Amazon, www.internetretailer.com
eBay Q2 beats slightly, additional stock buyback in the works, www.zdnet.com
How to Infuse E-Commerce with Personality & Humanity, www.cmswire.com
Jet.com celebrates its first anniversary, Internet Retailer
Learning from 10 Types of Ecommerce Competitors, www.practicalecommerce.com
Online Retailers: Go Where the Customers Are (Report), www.adweek.com
Why Post-Purchase Marketing Is So Important, multichannelmerchant.com
Email Marketing
Email and Social Media Marketing: Making CRM Data Actionable, www.adweek.com
Email Marketing Is a Double Win for Customer Acquisition, Retention, www.emarketer.com
Firing up summer sales through email reactivation, www.verticalresponse.com
From Spam to BAM! Leveraging User Intent in Email Optimization, www.wordstream.com
How the Travel Industry Uses Email Automation, movableink.com
Why Email is Dominating Over Social, www.convinceandconvert.com
General Internet Marketing
3 Ways to Tell if Influencer Marketing Right for Your Brand, www.toprankblog.com
August 2016 Marketing and Holiday Planning, blogs.constantcontact.com
Real-Time Personalization for the Evolving Digital World, www.silverpop.com
The Biggest Mistakes in Digital Marketing, blog.marketo.com
Top 10 Company Brand Names: Alphabet Pales to Google, Apple, adage.com
Internet Marketing Industry
BlueVenn appoints Curt Bloom as President of US operations, globenewswire.com
ClickDealer and MobAir Join Forces to Launch Global Digital Marketing Group, www.marketwired.com
Lexalytics Radically Simplifies Market Research and Voice of Customer Programs for the Pharmaceutical Industry, www.prweb.com
Spotify Launches Programmatic Audio Globally For Brands, brandsnews.spotify.com
Agile Marketing Technology from Kenshoo, kenshoo.com
Introducing Analytics for PDFs (and More!), contently.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
Could the “Smart Home” Be the Next Big Opportunity in Local?, streetfightmag.com
How luxury brands engage the mobile-savvy customer, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Twitter’s analytics tool Answers can now tell developers what’s going on in their app, venturebeat.com
Understanding the Hidden Costs of Localization, www.marketingprofs.com
What agencies want from Google’s bid to speed up mobile ads, digiday.com
Yes, app marketers, you do need a message center, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Other Items
Why Oil Traders Are Writing Love Poems to Yahoo, www.wsj.com
Social Media
5 Secret Truths of Social Media Marketing You Must Know, smallbiztrends.com
7 Easy Tips to Supercharge Your Facebook Sponsored Posts, www.jeffbullas.com
7 Types of New Social Media Content You Can Create Today, blog.bufferapp.com
Conversion Tracking Has Come to LinkedIn!, www.clixmarketing.com
Facebook 2026, www.theverge.com
Instagram Business Profiles: How to Set Up and Analyze Your Activities, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Introducing Twitter Food Council, www.Twitter.com
Oh Snap! Snapchat’s Memories Feature Now Lets You See Old Photos, smallbiztrends.com
Three Native Ads That Got People Sharing On Social Media, www.newswhip.com
Why and how chatbots will dominate social media, techcrunch.com
Why Snapchat bought Bitmoji, and what brands should know, digiday.com
How To Use Facebook Live Like a Pro, www.socialbakers.com
Introducing Replay Highlights, Periscope Tweet Embeds and Live Autoplay, medium.com
Luxury brands get off to an awkward start with virtual reality, digiday.com
YouTube Renames, Updates TrueView Ads, adage.com