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Marketing Day: Facebook’s TV App, Google Talks Nest Ads, Apple No Longer Top Global Brand

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Facebook’s New App That Listens To Your TV Could Lead To New Ads Facebook announced a new audio recognition feature today, billing it as shortcut to help its users more easily share what they are doing. But another likely motive for Facebook is to gather more data about users’ entertainment viewing habits to be used as ammunition in the battle with Twitter for second-screen territory. The new feature, […]

  2. Google Reassures There Are No Plans To Put Ads In Nest Thermostats Google is quickly walking back on language used in an SEC filing in which the company wrote it foresees a time when “we and other companies could be serving ads and other content on refrigerators, car dashboards, thermostats, glasses, and watches, to name just a few possibilities.” The inclusion of “thermostats” in that list struck […]

  3. This RFID-Enabled Billboard Displays Cost Of A New Audi Based On Collected Trade-In Value Some people might interpret this as an invasion of privacy. Others might appreciate that they’d have to take one less step when considering the purchase of a new car. Working with Audi in Brazil, AlmapBBDO Sao Paulo created the Audi Instant Valuation Billboard. The agency had an Audi employee valuate cars parked in public spaces. […]

  4. Google Eyes Future For Enhanced Campaigns: Ads On Thermostats, Wearables, Refrigerators And More Google is looking ahead to a future in which ads are served up on any number of “smart” devices in your home, in your car and on your body. In a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission the company makes its case for not breaking out ad revenue performance by mobile devices in part […]

  5. Study: Google Takes The Lead As World’s Most Valuable Brand While Apple Drops To #2 After holding the No. 1 spot for three consecutive years, a recent study of the top 100 most valuable global brands revealed Apple now ranks second to Google. Commissioned by communications services group WPP, the study conducted by Millward Brown found Google’s brand value has increased 40 percent year-over-year, now worth $159 billion. Meanwhile, Apple’s […]

  6. Google Updates “Panda” Filter, Impacts 7.5% Of Search Results Yesterday, Google has made a significant change to their Panda filter, named Panda 4.0. This is the biggest update to the Panda algorithm in ages and may be the cause of some ranking changes you may be noticing in Google today and throughout the week. Google’s head of search spam, Matt Cutts announced on Twitter […]

  7. Cross The Effectiveness Threshold In Your Social Media Marketing Whenever Scotty would say to Captain Kirk, “She’s brrreaking up, Captain,” or even, “She can’t take it anymore,” he was suggesting that the Starship Enterprise’s condition was going beyond a threshold from which there was no turning back. Thresholds exist in many parts of our lives: economies, diseases, pharmaceuticals and marketing. We don’t simply carry […]

  8. Graphic: Speed Of Social Video Sharing Has Nearly Doubled In 12 Months It only seems like the world is spinning faster. It’s actually slowing down, imperceptibly. The speed of video sharing, on the other hand, is accelerating rapidly according to a report by the social video marketing company Unruly. In April of 2013, Unruly benchmarked video sharing by brands and found that about 25% of shares happen […]

  9. Pinterest Offers A Deeper Look Into Business Insights for Selected Marketing Technology Partners Marketers that covet Pinterest’s audience now have more advanced intelligence gathering options. The visual bookmarking site announced today that it has opened up its Business Insights API to a selection of technology marketing companies. Pinterest is providing the data to firms, such as Salesforce (Exact Target Marketing Cloud), Hootsuite, Spredfast, Percolate, Piqora, Curalate and Tailwind, that provide social media analytics software […]

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