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Marketing Day: Facebook Refines Ad Hiding Signals, Starbucks Sets The Bar For Mobile & More

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Facebook Adjusts News Feed To Refine Ad Hiding Signals Facebook is adjusting its News Feed algorithm again, announcing today two refinements to how it deals with user feedback on advertisements. For years, Facebook has given users to ability to hide ads they don’t want to see and Facebook has used those “hides” as a signal that other people might not want to see those […]

  2. Is It Time For Brands To Silence Their 9-11 Tributes On Social Media? Yes It’s time for a moment of silence from brands. Today is the 13th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on American soil, and brands are out in force on social media reminding us that they remember. Most brands posting on Twitter are taking the safe route by keeping overt marketing and brand logos out of […]

  3. Brand To Re-Create Marilyn Monroe’s Iconic Dress-Blowing Scene Then Urge Others To Share Their Own #MyMarilynMoment The Sexy Hair hair care brand seeks examples of potentially embarrassing moments that social media fans turned to their own advantage.

  4. Power Editor Updates Give Advertisers Better Previews & Import Options Roughly one week ago, a few changes slid through the Facebook Power Editor Interface and into the hands of marketers. These changes included a better preview pane for News Feeds ads and a new bulk import option for specific ad targeting types. The changes that rolled out on September 4th should enable advertisers to use ads […]

  5. From Coffee To Mobile King: How Starbucks Serves Up Its Mobile Strategy Need a better plan for mobile? Follow Starbucks’ example to take your brand to new heights and beyond with a proven mobile approach.

  6. New California Law Says Businesses Can’t Stop Consumers From Posting Online Reviews So-called “non-disparagement clauses,” buried in terms and conditions or consumer purchase agreements, would probably be voided under the First Amendment. However, that issue won’t need to go to the Supreme Court — at least for California consumers. A new law, just signed this week by California Governor Jerry Brown, makes these contractual waivers, aimed at […]

  7. Facebook Is Testing A Way For Users To Schedule Deletion Of Posts Let’s say you want to post a special offer on your business’ Facebook Page, but you don’t want the evidence to stick around forever. Currently, you would have to manually delete the post, but that could be changing. Facebook is running a test on a small number of users’ iOS devices that gives them the […]

  8. That List Of 5 Million Leaked Gmail User Names & Passwords Is Not As Scary As It Seems Not to worry. Too much. Yes, nearly 5 million Gmail user names and passwords were posted on a Russian Bitcoin forum Tuesday, but it appears that many, if not most, were either outdated or user name/password combinations used to access other websites. The more security experts looked, the less alarmed they became about the breach. […]

  9. Survey: 53 Pct. Like New iPhone, 33 Pct. Want The Apple Watch Following the Apple announcements yesterday Toluna QuickSurveys conducted an online poll of 1,000 Americans about their reactions to the iPhone 6 and Apple Watch. The survey showed a positive reaction to the new iPhones but less enthusiasm for the Apple smartwatch. Overall 53 percent of survey respondents said they liked the new phone’s design, but […]

  10. New Benchmark Reports Coming To Google Analytics According to Google Analytics, it will be rolling out new Benchmark Reports over the coming weeks for any users that have opted in to share their data anonymously with Google. The new reports pull industry acquisition and engagement metrics from 1,600 industry categories, 1,250 markets and seven size-buckets, allowing users to analyze data by channel, location, […]

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