Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Facebook Uses News Feed Algorithm To Rival Twitter, Periscope In Live Video Mar 1, 2016 by Tim Peterson Facebook will start ranking live videos higher in its news feed while those streams are taking place.
Geomagnetic Platform IndoorAtlas Does Extensive Deal With Yahoo Japan Mar 1, 2016 by Greg Sterling Company enables indoor location and proximity marketing by reading and mapping magnetic fields.
Content Curation Platform Livefyre Gives Marketers Another Storytelling Tool By Adding Storify2 Mar 1, 2016 by Barry Levine Newest version of Livefyre’s 2013 acquisition adds team collaboration, creation of entire web pages, and live updating.
Meet the MarTech Speakers: Barre Hardy Mar 1, 2016 by Marketing Land Improving Marketing Efficiency Through Agile Transformation
The Need For Speed: 7 Observations On The Impact Of Page Speed To The Future Of Local Mobile Search Mar 1, 2016 by Wesley Young Having a mobile website may soon not be enough to get users to patronize your local business if it doesn’t deliver a fast and positive user experience. Wesley Young takes a look at the latest data and developments with regard to mobile websites.
Associated Press Teams Up With Twitter To Track 2016 Election-Related Tweets Mar 1, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues AP’s Election Buzz tool tracks Twitter activity and Google search volume for candidates and politically-charged topics.
Digital Marketing & The Zero Moment of Truth Mar 1, 2016 by Marcus Miller Columnist Marcus Miller discusses how the customer journey has changed in the digital age and recommends ways to reach consumers at each stage of the journey via SEO.
Twitter’s User Growth Stalled And Advertisers Don’t Care (Yet) Mar 1, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Creative opportunities and results, so far, appear to outweigh the lack of user growth. Moves into direct response pose new challenges, however.
Top 7 Must-Have Tools For Website Owners Mar 1, 2016 by Jordan Kasteler Looking to improve your website or just getting started with creating one? Columnist Jordan Kasteler outlines his favorite tools that will help your website meet your marketing goals.
Achieving Hyper-Segmentation To Reach Personalization At Scale Mar 1, 2016 by Sean Zinsmeister Columnist Sean Zinsmeister says it’s time for B2B marketers to drill down into their consumer data to help them find the best customers and expand into new markets.
How To Market Successfully In A Digital World? Put Customers’ Needs First. Mar 1, 2016 by Mary Wallace Customers are at the heart of what successful businesses do. Columnist Mary Wallace discusses why we need to harness the power of data and technology to better understand our customers and respond to their needs.
Why Virtual Reality May Become The New Normal In Email Marketing Mar 1, 2016 by Jason Warnock VR isn’t the stuff of science fiction. It’s going mainstream. And columnist Jason Warnock believes it could be a big win for email marketing.
What Does Your Marketing Technology Stack Look Like? Mar 1, 2016 by Marketing Land Enter a visual representation of your company’s marketing platforms to win a “Stackie” Award, to be presented at the MarTech Conference March 21–22, 2016.
LinkedIn Intros B2B Spin On Facebook’s Custom Audiences To Target Ads Mar 1, 2016 by Tim Peterson Advertisers can upload lists of up to 30,000 companies, and LinkedIn will target ads to those companies’ employees.
Startup Mariana Launches B2B Lead Gen Platform That Automatically Creates Personas Mar 1, 2016 by Barry Levine The personas are used to find decision-making individuals at targeted companies.
Here Are The Top 7 Reasons You Should Attend MarTech Feb 29, 2016 by Marketing Land MarTech: The Marketing Tech Conference is right around the corner and we’re excited to share this incredible experience with you.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
Study: 3 Factors in Affiliate Marketing Will Drive Growth, www.practicalecommerce.com
Tackling Silent Customer Attrition with Analytics, www.cmswire.com
Blogs & Blogging
5 Ways Bloggers and Content Creators Could Use Anchor, ProBlogger
How Can You Drive More Social Traffic to Your Blog?, simplymeasured.com
How to Use Pinterest to Spread Your Blog Like Wildfire, www.blogherald.com
When Times Get Tough: Tips for Running a Blog on a Budget, www.blogherald.com
Business Issues
Google invests $30 million in European news tech companies, techcrunch.com
More than 11 million HTTPS websites imperiled by new decryption attack, Ars Technica
The Former PayPal Employees Who Run Silicon Valley, www.fastcodesign.com
Yahoo may write down goodwill value of Tumblr, venturebeat.com
Content Marketing
3 Ways to Use Transparency in Content to Cut Through the Noise, contentmarketinginstitute.com
A 7-Step Guide To Creating Your Content Strategy, www.searchenginepeople.com
How Thorntons uses content marketing to gain an edge at Easter, econsultancy.com
The Best Branded Content of February, contently.com
The Most Effective Elements of Clickbait Article Headlines, www.marketingprofs.com
Want ROI on Your B2B Content? Embrace Sales Enablement, contently.com
What a GREAT Marketer Does with Content, www.toprankblog.com
Conversion Optimization
How Do UX Professionals View Conversion Optimization?, conversionxl.com
How To Improve Your Lead Gen Landing Page, www.clixmarketing.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Effective Communication for Design Teams, www.usertesting.com
Microsoft’s Experimental Keyboard Aims To Solve A Major Mobile UX Problem, www.fastcodesign.com
Smart UX: Use Cases, usabilitygeek.com
Display & Contextual Advertising
Confessions of a media agency CEO: Display ads have never worked, digiday.com
Finding your audience with Google display and video ads, adwords.blogspot.com
3 ways retailers are improving their mobile apps, digiday.com
4 Steps to Building a Online Store That’s Successful, smallbiztrends.com
Does SMS Have a Role in E-commerce Customer Acquisition?, blog.kissmetrics.com
Here’s how much the different “Amazons of” have raised, qz.com
How to Build Your Own Ecommerce Empire, multichannelmerchant.com
How To Use 3rd Party E-commerce Platforms To Boost Your Revenue, blog.crazyegg.com
Infinite Scrolling, Pagination Or “Load More” Buttons? Usability Findings In eCommerce, www.smashingmagazine.com
Jack Ma’s expensive, lowkey strategy to battle Amazon for online shoppers, qz.com
Omni-Channel in 2016 Doesn’t Have to Be a Zero Sum Game, company-enterprise.myshopify.com
Selling on Amazon, Advanced Ways to Optimize your Product, ignitevisibility.com
The Consumer Shopping Experience is Changing B2B Ecommerce Forever, multichannelmerchant.com
The hot e-commerce app Wish has hundreds of millions of users (plus other fascinating stats), techcrunch.com
The Tinder trend in website design: pros and cons for web retailers, www.internetretailer.com
Email Marketing
7 Deadly Sins and 7 Virtues of Email Marketing, www.copyblogger.com
Five Superhot Email Marketing Trends, www.marketingprofs.com
More innovation brings more security so for today, let’s raise the bar with Gmail DLP, googleforwork.blogspot.com
General Internet Marketing
B2B Marketers: Stop Using the B2C Playbook, www.cmswire.com
Brands are using emojis more than ever, research confirms, digiday.com
Critical Considerations to Bring Performance-Based Marketing Inhouse, www.martechadvisor.com
Marketing to Millennials: Are we still just selling snake oil?, sherpablog.marketingsherpa.com
Right Time Marketing: How to Target Today’s Consumers at the Right Time and Through the Right Channels, thedma.org
Internet Marketing Industry
North Plains Systems launches Xinet 18.1, www.realwire.com
Rocket Fuel’s Demand Side Platform Dramatically Boosts Performance for AUDIENCEX Clients, rocketfuel.com
SourceKnowledge Raises $1.5 Million From BDC Capital, www.marketwired.com
Unmetric Integrates With Oracle Social Cloud to Provide Competitive Insights for Social Enabled Enterprises, www.prweb.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
“Whales” Account for 70% of In-App Purchase Revenue, www.adweek.com
Analysis of 671M push notifications shows mobile marketing’s potential has barely been tapped, venturebeat.com
Are wearables failing? An early 2016 recap, econsultancy.com
How Data Is Poised to Significantly Transform Local Marketing, streetfightmag.com
Marketers turn up volume on mobile’s potential for voice-driven engagement, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Social Media
5 Types of Visual Content You Can and Should Tweet, www.jeffbullas.com
7 Things to Keep in Mind When Creating Facebook Carousel Ads, www.adweek.com
Brands and agencies are already experimenting with on-demand Snapchat geofilters, digiday.com
Celebrating 3 years of Twitter Ads API innovation, Twitter Blog
Facebook Announces Worldwide F8 Meetups, developers.facebook.com
Facebook should come clean about how new emoji will affect our news feeds, qz.com
How The Boston Globe Use Social Media, blog.newswhip.com
How The Washington Post, Slate and other publishers are using Facebook Instant Articles, digiday.com
How to Launch Your Business Presence on Pinterest, www.adweek.com
Increasing Revenue Through Personalization and Social Media, blog.mailchimp.com
Jason Peterson on Brands Joining the Instagram Party, www.facebook.com
More Brands Use Emojis in Social Media Posts, www.emarketer.com
More Instagram Advertising Means Less Organic Engagement, www.adweek.com
Snapchat Just Hired One of the Founders of Facebook’s $1 Billion Ad Network, www.adweek.com
The Twitter Contradiction, avc.com
What it Takes to Become a LinkedIn Influencer, www.searchenginejournal.com
Which People Skills Are Most Important in Social Media, www.convinceandconvert.com
4 Tips to Improve Your YouTube Marketing, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Do You Really Know the Impact of Social Video on Your Brand?, www.reelseo.com
Google adds Virtual Reality section to Google Store; starts selling Cardboard compatible viewers in the US, ausdroid.net
Keep making history: Celebrating the artists, activists and creators of today, youtubecreator.blogspot.com
Pay to Place Twitter Video Ads at the Top of Every Timeline with First View, smallbiztrends.com
Snapchat on Par With Facebook When it Comes to Daily Video Views, www.searchenginejournal.com