Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Valassis announces new service to trigger mobile coupons from TV/radio ads or videos Jul 14, 2016 by Barry Levine Marketing services firm says Audible Offers is the first such widescale effort connecting ads or videos heard through speakers to a mobile wallet.
Facebook brings Instant Articles to Messenger Jul 14, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg A more instant article experience is coming to your Facebook Messenger app.
Mobile marketing AMPlification: Content, performance and measurement Jul 14, 2016 by Jim Yu What’s the deal with Accelerated Mobile Pages, and how do they relate to micro-moments? Columnist Jim Yu discusses the connection and explains what brands need to know to stay ahead of the curve.
Suffered a rankings drop? Use this checklist to diagnose why Jul 14, 2016 by Ian Bowden Columnist Ian Bowden has created a checklist for SEOs to help troubleshoot losses in rankings and organic traffic.
Domain Level Metrics’ dashboard aggregates metrics from Moz, SpyFu, SEMRush & others Jul 14, 2016 by Barry Levine The new product, free during its beta phase, displays everything from the tools’ APIs.
Introducing the “Influencer Marketing Technology Landscape” Jul 14, 2016 by Travis Wright How do you know which influencer technology platform is right for you? Columnist Travis Wright summarizes a new guide that aims to demystify the influencer martech space.
How to conjure big PPC profits with a few hundred dollars Jul 14, 2016 by Larry Kim Search engine marketing for generic terms in competitive industries can be costly, but columnist Larry Kim has a better way. Learn how to combine RLSA with social ads for high impact at a low cost.
Marketers must learn hard lessons of mobile to succeed with IoT Jul 14, 2016 by Josh Manion As the Internet of Things gains traction, are marketers ready? Columnist Josh Manion takes a look at what we can learn from mobile and what marketers must do to prepare.
How Pokémon Go will level up local advertising Jul 14, 2016 by Adam Dorfman Contributor Adam Dorfman discusses how local businesses may be able to capitalize on Pokémon Go, the augmented reality game for mobile that’s become an overnight success.
Graphing trends can make you better at calling A/B tests Jul 14, 2016 by Brian Massey How do you know when to keep an A/B test running or to stop it before it costs you revenue? Columnist Brian Massey walks you through the nitty-gritty of trend graphs.
With third EU antitrust complaint, Google confronts $20 billion in potential fines Jul 14, 2016 by Greg Sterling AdSense for Search contracts with publishers are the focus of the new charges coming from from the European Commission.
Why talent was the elephant in the room at Cannes Lions Jul 14, 2016 by Penry Price How can marketers find and retain talent? The question was a hot topic at this year’s Cannes Lions, and columnist and LinkedIn VP Penry Price was on hand to reveal what he learned.
Ready to step up your game with Instagram advertising? Jul 13, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot Explosive user growth. Rapid platform expansion. Expanding brand opportunities. There are countless reasons to bring your brand to Instagram. But do you know what it takes to drive success once you’re there?
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Meet the Newest Marketing Acronym: What Is UMIA, and Should You Care?, www.martechadvisor.com
Pinterest Analytics, www.verticalresponse.com
These 4 Engagement Metrics Proved HouseLogic’s Content ROI, contently.com
Blogs & Blogging
10 Insanely Good Reasons You Should Publish On Medium, www.wordstream.com
5 Killer Tips for Small Businesses to Generate Better Blog Traffic, smallbiztrends.com
How to Optimize Old Blog & Website Content for a Bright Future, blog.crazyegg.com
Business Issues
Pinterest acquires the team behind mobile apps Highlight and Shorts, venturebeat.com
Yahoo Is Said to Collect Final Bids as Auction Nears Its End, New York Times
Content Marketing
5 Tips to Map Content to the Buyer’s Journey, blog.marketo.com
How creating a content calendar can help you #DrawTheCrowds, adsense.googleblog.com
How to Overcome the ‘Three-Month Slump’ of Branded Content, contently.com
How to Use Retroactive Interference for a Winning Content Strategy, www.convinceandconvert.com
What’s the Difference Between a Writer and a Content Marketer?, www.copyblogger.com
Why Automation is the Future of Content Creation, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Conversion Optimization
21 Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Tools to Increase Your ROI, www.toprankblog.com
CRO Breakthrough: Bounce Rates Are Lying To You, www.goinflow.com
Free Pre-Publish Landing Page Optimization Worksheet, unbounce.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Does Swearing in Copy Make You More Persuasive?, conversionxl.com
Planning your website like your holiday, yoast.com
The Elements of a Seamless Customer Experience, www.cmswire.com
The Style Guide for Progressives That Will Make You Rethink Your Language, contently.com
Display & Contextual Advertising
Why do UK display-ad-viewability rates keep sinking?, digiday.com
Nearly 4,000 Pokemon Domain Names Registered, www.domaininvesting.com
5 Opportunities To Increase Average Order Value, www.searchenginepeople.com
Amazon is developing a 3D modeling system to solve online clothes shopping’s biggest problem, qz.com
An Amazon seller’s secrets of success, www.internetretailer.com
Consumers’ Preferred Retail Shipping Options, www.marketingprofs.com
Gen Z lacks brand loyalty, seeks social engagement, open to loyalty programs, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
How to market to consumers as they move from one device to another, www.internetretailer.com
SMB Ecommerce Shippers Diversifying Carrier Services, multichannelmerchant.com
Email Marketing
5 steps to emails that reach the inbox, myemma.com
Email marketing can destroy brand loyalty, www.branded3.com
How Pet Supplies Plus Boosted Open Rates with Video + Email, movableink.com
General Internet Marketing
An Ever-Expanding Marketing Funnel Creates More Opportunities For Personalization, adexchanger.com
Campbell’s CMO Is Taking Over Its Digital Marketing. Why Other Brands May Not Follow Suit, www.adweek.com
How to Structure Your Digital Team: 15 Critical Roles, www.cmswire.com
Keeping Your Business And Clients Safe With Digital Policies, www.smashingmagazine.com
The Rising Cost of Influencer Marketing: How Much Is too Much?, www.adweek.com
Three Tips for Building Internal Support for Influencer Marketing, www.marketingprofs.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Akamai Appoints Monique Bonner as CMO, www.akamai.com
The first tool to track revenue from your social media marketing efforts, www.zoho.com
Verse Redefines Storytelling with Launch of Revolutionary Interactive Video Player, www.prnewswire.com
Widening the Window: How Additional Opportunities Give a View of a Larger Audience, www.nielsen.com
6 Tools for Automating B2B Social Media Marketing, www.komarketingassociates.com
How hiring a marketing technologist can be made easy, www.martechadvisor.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
Cutting through the noise around location accuracy, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Facebook Messenger Adds 3D Touch Support on iOS, www.adweek.com
Facing email’s limitations, Clover Letter branches out with an app, digiday.com
What you need to know about messaging app Line in 6 charts, digiday.com
Why Consumers Download, and Delete, a Retailer’s Mobile App, www.emarketer.com
Other Items
Promoting gender equality through emoji, Official Google Blog
Tumblr: Now you can send pictures in messaging, staff.tumblr.com
Reputation Management
Social Media
10 Snapchat Hacks to Make Your Snaps Stand Out, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
An Award-Winning Social Intranet Encourages a New Organizational Culture, www.cmswire.com
Best practices: Using Sign in with Twitter to link customer accounts, www.Twitter.com
Facebook and Instagram Ads – What Every Marketer Needs to Know, www.socialbakers.com
Facebook and Twitter are getting rich by building a culture of snitching, qz.com
How Facebook Sees How Thousands of Devices React to Code Changes, www.adweek.com
Instagram and Facebook: A Tale of Two Feeds, blog.business.instagram.com
Introducing the Facebook SDK for Swift Beta, developers.facebook.com
Snapchat Branded Geofilters Get a Boost From Startup Yext, adage.com
The Biggest Facebook Publishers of June 2016, www.newswhip.com
The Complete Guide to Instagram Marketing, blog.bufferapp.com
Three reasons why you should localize social media posts, www.econsultancy.com
Twitter signs a live-streaming deal to bring Pac-12 university sports to its service, techcrunch.com
Winners of Facebook Innovation Spotlight Real Results Category Announced, www.facebook.com
Essential Tools and Tactics for Video on Social, www.newswhip.com
Google’s Programmatic Video Biz Is Growing Like A Weed, adexchanger.com
How Google’s YouTube Business Is Tuned In, www.wsj.com
Marketing Video: Personalize Your Outreach With Account-Based Marketing, www.marketingprofs.com
Watch the Conventions live on YouTube, youtube.googleblog.com
Who will win the live-streaming battle: Facebook Live or Periscope?, econsultancy.com