Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Feed your search marketing obsession at SMX Advanced Apr 6, 2016 by Marketing Land For 10 years, search marketers have purchased every ticket available for SMX Advanced. Don’t miss your only opportunity this year to attend! SMX Advanced is unique. Sessions are fast-paced, Q&A-packed and don’t slow down to cover the basics.
Facebook expands Live video, will put it front and center in mobile app Apr 6, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues Live video tab will replace Messages in the Facebook app, as several new features give users and brands more to play with and measure.
Mobile marketer Kahuna adds Locales tool for language and location targeting Apr 6, 2016 by Barry Levine Including its previously released Intelligent Events, this is the second segmentation tool the company has added this year.
Dark search, dark social & everything in between Apr 6, 2016 by Maggie Malek Certain types of web traffic do not pass referral information on to our analytics programs, making it difficult to properly track these visits. Contributor Maggie Malek recaps a session from SMX West detailing how to handle this “dark” web traffic.
Tag management systems and DMPs — a match made in heaven? Apr 6, 2016 by L. Erik Bratt Brand marketers these days demand tools that can build a holistic customer profile. Contributor Erik Bratt argues that combining data management platforms (DMPs) with tag management is the key to achieving that goal.
Just when marketers thought things couldn’t change any more, this report shows they will Apr 6, 2016 by Sanjay Dholakia Do you possess a single view of your customer that includes their mobile interactions and behavior on the Internet of Things? Columnist Sanjay Dholakia describes new research that shows that the time to prepare is now.
Why you need to embrace delegation Apr 6, 2016 by Matt Umbro Marketers who excel at their craft may find it difficult to hand off work to others, but columnist Matt Umbro argues that the long-term benefits are worth it.
A CMO’s View: A “real talk” about Super Bowl ads with Squarespace’s Chief Creative Officer Apr 6, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues David Lee shares his brand’s Super Bowl strategy, including highlights from this year’s campaign with Key & Peele.
UK users can now buy Pinterest ads Apr 6, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg Through its self-serve marketplace, marketers in the United Kingdom can now purchase ads on Pinterest.
Medium wants to be publishers’ digital printing press, too Apr 5, 2016 by Tim Peterson On Tuesday, Medium introduced ways for publishers to host their content on the blogging platform and make money from native ads or paid subscriptions.
Virtual vs. augmented reality and Apple Watch for your face Apr 5, 2016 by Greg Sterling AR may ultimately present a larger opportunity than VR, but the right hardware and user experience don’t yet exist.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Which Critical Social Media Metrics Are You Ignoring?, simplymeasured.com
Blogs & Blogging
Blogging on the Side While Having a Steady Job, www.blogherald.com
Business Issues
Content Marketing
The State of B2B Content Personalization, www.marketingprofs.com
Why Interactive Content Is the Future of Content Marketing, www.jeffbullas.com
Conversion Optimization
Getting Started With Conversion Rate Optimization, company-enterprise.myshopify.com
How to Unleash Psychological Power in Your Conversion Rate Optimization, blog.crazyegg.com
Warning: Are You Making These 8 Traffic-Killing Mistakes?, www.problogger.net
Copywriting, Design & Usability
10 common online copywriting mistakes, econsultancy.com
9 Design Resources to Improve Your Campaigns (And Your Relationship with Your Designer), unbounce.com
Achieving goals vs. solving problems (and why UX teams need both), www.usertesting.com
Improve User Experience With Real-Time Feature, www.smashingmagazine.com
Quick Tips on Improving User Experience, www.lunametrics.com
The Biggest Mistake Companies Make During a Website Redesign, blog.kissmetrics.com
4 Things Add-to-cart Rates Tell an Ecommerce Business, www.practicalecommerce.com
Amazon brings same-day delivery to nearly a dozen more U.S. metros, techcrunch.com
eBay follows Amazon with new branded packaging for sellers, venturebeat.com
International Payment Methods Alone Do Not Make You a Cross-Border Merchant, multichannelmerchant.com
The myth behind cloud autoscaling for ecommerce sites, econsultancy.com
Email Marketing
5 Brands Leading the Pack on Contextual Email, blog.movableink.com
Top email welcome campaigns convert 25% of the time, www.internetretailer.com
General Internet Marketing
‘It’s like saying everything living in the ocean is a fish’: Marketers obsessed with millennials are making a mistake, digiday.com
5 Smart Habits for Staying Up-to-Date on Influence Marketing, www.convinceandconvert.com
5 Ways to Optimize a Small Marketing Budget, www.wordstream.com
Frank Cooper On What Marketers Should Be Focused On, adage.com
How Word of Mouth Marketing Influences IoT Strategy, www.cmswire.com
The Future of Marketing: Be Ready, blog.marketo.com
The Long and Short of Digital Marketing, www.searchenginejournal.com
Internet Marketing Industry
5 major themes from MarTech with big implications for marketing, chiefmartec.com
AVP Digital Marketing at Unum Talks Marketing Tech, www.martechadvisor.com
How Academia Is Shaping Ad Tech And Platform Business Models, adexchanger.com
How to Convince Your CEO to Invest in Marketing Technology, www.cmswire.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
5 Platforms for Cross-Promotions Between Local Businesses, streetfightmag.com
Code reaffirms Apple’s plan to allow users to hide default iOS apps, appleinsider.com
Maybe you won’t hate in-app ads so much if you could play them, venturebeat.com
Microsoft’s Surface phone is now reportedly coming in 2017, venturebeat.com
Mobile coupon users more willing to switch brands, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
WhatsApp, the world’s most popular messaging service, just turned on encryption for all its data, qz.com
Social Media
Facebook is starting to suggest businesses you should chat with on Messenger, Business Insider
Here’s Why You Should Be Publishing on LinkedIn, smallbiztrends.com
How to Automate the Discovery of Twitter Leads, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
How to Use Social Media and User-Generated Content to Boost Traffic, www.blogherald.com
Reddit Steps Up Anti-Harassment Measures With New Blocking Tool, New York Times
Why Facebook failed with Free Basics, techcrunch.com
Why Pinterest forces you off its mobile site and into its app, venturebeat.com
Why Snapchat 2.0 is Necessary for Digital Marketers, www.convinceandconvert.com
Google’s Tilt Brush Is The First Great VR App, www.fastcompany.com